Psalm 57

Psalm 57 A Devotional by Pastor Lawrence            David is on the run again after king Saul was given a tip as to his location, and once again David finds himself between a rock and a hard place hiding in a cave from his enemy.  Like before, he immediately cries out to God to have mercy upon him, seeking a refuge in the Lord even more than in the cave.  As he prays to…

Psalm 56

Psalm 56 by Pastor David Groendyk   This psalm is another lament written by David. The header links this psalm to 1 Samuel 21:10–15 where David first flees to the Philistine city of Gath to escape Saul then must flee away from Gath to escape the Philistines. (Psalm 34 was also written by David after that historical event.) But more than just being a lament where David’s enemies are trampling over him, this is also—as…

Psalm 54

Psalm 54 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence   In the superscript to this Psalm we are told that it was written on the occasion that the Ziphites went to King Saul and said to him, “Is David not hiding among us?”  If you remember, from the moment that King Saul first heard the young women singing of Saul killing his thousands and David his ten thousands, he became very embittered toward David.  And when he had…

Psalm 53

Psalm 53 by Pastor David Groendyk   This psalm is a community-wide lament mourning humanity’s sin. The two major effects of humanity’s sinfulness are 1) that they do not seek God, and 2) that they persecute God’s people. It shows just how deep our sin runs in us and just how much we are in need of God. Psalm 53 stands out in the book of Psalms in that it so clearly teaches us that…

Psalm 52

Psalms 52 Devotion by Pastor Mark Hudson   Psalm 52 has a rather long as well as a specific historical introduction (I Samuel 21 - 22).  The writer leaves us no doubt what occasioned this Psalm.  Please read the violent account of unbridled and ruthless power by Saul. The outline by Tate in Word Biblical Commentary is as follows: Accusing Question                             …

Psalm 51

Psalm 51 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence            This is the most prominent hymn of confession in the book of Psalms.  Written by King David after the prophet Nathan confronted him over his adultery with Bathsheba and the murder of her husband, it shows a clear change of heart in a man who had plunged himself into the dark pit and was crying out for mercy to a gracious God who hears the prayer of…

Psalm 50

Psalm 50 by Pastor David Groendyk   This psalm is meant to humble us and make us introspective as we approach God. It reminds God’s people of who their God is and what he expects from them. God is the just judge (vv. 1–6). The Mighty One of the earth has taken a seat on his throne and is summoning all the people of the world to him. His beauty and perfection are unmatched. His…

Psalm 49

Psalms 49 Devotions by Pastor Mark Hudson             Psalm 49 is a wisdom Psalm as you can easily see in v. 3, “my mouth will speak wisdom” and v. 4, “I will incline my ear to a proverb; I will solve my riddle . . . .”  In fact it reads almost like a proverb.  So the feel of this Psalm is a hybrid between Psalms and Proverbs.            This Psalm could be titled…

Psalm 47

Psalm 47 by Pastor David Groendyk   This psalm is a psalm of celebration. One aspect of this celebration is the fact that God is the sovereign king. As Joel Beeke writes, “There is hardly a more practical truth for daily living than the absolute sovereignty of God.” No matter what our days look like, our God knows all, the good and the bad, that is going to happen to us. He has promised that…

Psalm 46

Psalms 46 Devotions by Pastor Mark Hudson           John Stott divides the Psalm into 1-3 A General Confidence in the power of God and providence of God; 4-7 a particular experience of the same in the deliverance of the city; and 8-11 assurance that He will establish His universal kingdom of peace.  Derek Kidner follows the same division with 1-3 as God’s over of nature or God in the tumult; 4-7 God’s power over the…

Psalm 45

Psalm 45 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence   This beloved wedding psalm reads like something out of the Song of Solomon, for one of its primary themes is the glory of the king and the splendor of his bride written by the psalmist as a third party rejoicing in their covenant love.  Similar to when a prince of England takes a bride and the whole world watches in wonder, so we are meant to take in…

Psalm 44

Psalm 44 by Pastor David Groendyk   This is an enigmatic psalm for the believer. It’s a hymn of praise to God for his mighty deeds, but it’s also an impassioned plea for help in the midst of great suffering, as well as a display of confidence in God’s desire and ability to save. Verses 1–8 are the high point of this psalm. God has done miraculous deeds in days of old. The psalmist is…

Psalm 43

Psalms 43 Devotions by Pastor Mark Hudson             As you may know the Psalms are divided up into 5 sections. Section I is 1-41; Section II is 42-72; Section III is 73-89; Section IV is 90-106; concluding is Section V 107-150.  Psalm 43 is the second Psalm in the second section. This is clearly a continuation of Ps 42.  A casual reader sees repeating phrases in 43 first found in 42.  Compare 42:5, 11…

Titus 3

Titus 3 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence               In Paul’s closing remarks to Titus, he tells him in verses one and two to remind the Cretans “to be submissive to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good work, to speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people.”             In our relationship to civil authorities we have three responsibilities: to…

Titus 2

Titus 2 by Pastor David Groendyk   Our chapter today is filled with lots of commands for different groups of people. Rather than expound on the various commands, let’s explore the different motivations that Paul gives for living in this kind of godly way. Living in a godly way affirms that you know God (v. 1). Immediately before Paul explains how to live in chapter 2, he is condemning the members of the circumcision party…

Titus 1

Titus 1 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson             There are a number of ways to look at the divisions or sections of this chapter.  In his commentary, Kent Hughes’ prefers the follow: 1-10 Crosscurrents of Conduct; 1:10-16 The Place of our Conduct.  George W. Knight III’s commentary prefers: 1:1-4 Salutation; 1:5-9 Qualifications for Elders; 1:10-16 Titus’ and the Elders’ Duty in Regard to False Teachers.  As you read the chapter you should notice some natural…

Habakkuk 3

Habbakuk 3 Devotional by Pastor Bowlin     The context of the marvelous expression of praise in our text today is the potential failing of a country, the failing of the economy, and the failing of all good provisions for life—the very things that we all worry about in these days as well.    Yet the prophet says, “though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop…

Habakkuk 2

Habakkuk 2 by Pastor David Groendyk I believe Habakkuk is one of the most underrated books of the Old Testament. It’s very similar to Job in that it is a conversation between a believer and God, primarily with the believer asking God “why” in relation to a very difficult trial. So far in this book, the conversation has gone something like this: Habakkuk’s first complaint: “Why are you letting Judah do so much evil?” (1:2–4)…

Habakkuk 1

Habakkuk 1 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson             There is a lot of complaining in the Bible.  People are always complaining to God: Why? How long? are some common complaints.  No one likes to hear complaints.  You might think God would get tired of complaining people.  Sometimes both God and God’s people utter almost the same thing at the same time.  Numbers 14:3, “Why is the Lord bringing us into this land, to fall by…


Jude Devotional by Pastor Lawrence   Jude tells us in the beginning of his epistle that he had intended on writing this letter to the churches to speak about their common salvation, but instead he was obliged to write about their need to contend for the faith because ungodly men had crept into the church perverting the grace of God into sensuality and denying the Lord Jesus Christ.  These men were false teachers, those leading…

3 John 1

3 John 1 by Pastor David Groendyk   Although this short letter is written regarding a very specific incident in the church, it provides a much broader application for all of us now. The apostle John (the same John who wrote the Gospel of John as well as 1–2 John) is writing to a man in the church named Gaius. Gaius is commended for his faithfulness (vv. 1–8) while another church leader named Diotrephes is…