Tyrone Covenant Presbyterian Church is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). We believe and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and seek to “hold fast the confession of our hope” (Hebrews 10:23). What does that mean?

We are committed to the Bible

The Bible is the perfect and complete Word of God and our final authority in life, doctrine, and godliness. All Scripture is breathed out by God and entirely without error in its original manuscripts. It reveals to us who God is, what his will is for us, and how we can be saved.

We believe in the Triune God

God is infinite, eternal, and unchangeable in wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth. There is only one true living God who has revealed himself in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. All three persons are uncreated, co-eternal, and equal in power and glory. They are rightly worshiped as one true God.

We believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Although God created everything perfect and good, Adam and Eve (the first two human beings) rebelled against God and disobeyed him. Since then, all of humanity is sinful, guilty, and deserves the just wrath of God. God’s solution to deliver us from this wrath was to send his Son, Jesus Christ, who is fully God and fully man, to live a perfectly obedient life on earth, to die on the cross as a substitute for us, and to be raised to life again after three days in the grave. On the cross, God exchanged our sin for Christ’s perfection. The only way to have this salvation is through the life-giving work of the Holy Spirit in the heart of the believer to give him or her the faith to believe.

We are committed to obeying the Great Commission

The purpose of the church is to make disciples of all nations. We do that by bringing the good news of Jesus Christ to those who don’t know it yet, whether they live in our neighborhood or live around the world. We support and send out missionaries overseas as well as making connections with those in our city. Those who believe then must be trained to obey all that God has commanded. To that end, we gather together to worship God every Sunday and learn and grow through various Bible studies and small groups throughout the week.

We are committed to the Reformed Faith

The Reformed Faith can be summarized by the “Five Solas”. Sola Scriptura—Scripture alone is God’s written revelation and our highest authority. Sola Fide—the righteousness of Christ imputed to us through faith in him, not any good works that we have done, is our only grounds for justification before God. Solus Christus—Christ is the only mediator between God and man and the only one whose works can redeem us. Sola Gratia—it is by God’s grace alone that we have faith and are saved, not by anything good in us. Soli Deo Gloria—God alone gets all the glory in our salvation and in every area of our lives.

We are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA)

Our denomination holds to three documents as our doctrinal standards: the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Larger and Shorter Catechisms. We believe these doctrinal standards are reflective of what the Bible teaches, but ultimately the Bible alone is the only final and infallible standard of truth.

Resource Links

Westminster Confessions of Faith & Catechisms

Heidelberg Catechism

Belgic Confession

Canons of Dort

Reformed Creeds

Presbyterian Church in America