Revelation 10

Revelation 10 Devotions by Pastor Mark Hudson We are in the third section of seven.  This third section includes chapters 8-11.  Remember, one way to look at this book is below.  The book is 7 parallel sections: the sections are as follow: 1-3                  Christ in the midst of 7 lamp stands 4-7                  Vision of heaven and the 7 seals 8-11                The 7 trumpets 12-14       …

Revelation 9

Revelation 9 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence Bowlin              A good title for this section of passages in the book of Revelation might be “An Alarm to the Unconverted,” which was also the title of a book by the Puritan author Joseph Alleine.  As was discussed yesterday, there are seven trumpets that are sounded in this section, and each trumpet is meant to warn or sound the alarm for the judgment that is coming upon all…

Revelation 8

Revelation 8 by David Groendyk Revelation 8 begins the third section of Revelation. Let’s review briefly. In the first section (chapters 1–3), we see Christ walking and dwelling in the midst of the seven churches, personally aiding them and warning them in their individual struggles. In the second section (chapters 4–7), we see that same Christ on the throne in heaven, carrying out God’s plan and being worshiped; we also see that the church faces…

Revelation 7

Revelation 7 Devotions by Pastor Mark Hudson This chapter is the last chapter in the 2nd of 7 sections in Revelation.  The section focuses on the church in the tribulation.  But this word tribulation does not refer to what some of you may think when you hear the word: tribulation.  This refers to all the trials, persecution, and tribulations that Christians have gone through since the resurrection of Christ.  This chapter ends with the saints…

Revelation 6

Revelation 6 by David Groendyk As we get into the body of Revelation with all its visions and symbols and imagery, it’s important for us to remember that John is not meaning for the average reader to expertly pinpoint what every last detail means. I think it’s most helpful for us to focus on the big picture and see how some of the details in the visions explain that big picture. To that end, the…

Revelation 5

Revelation 5 Devotions by Pastor Mark Hudson How do you understand the structure of book of Revelation?  I will propose a way that I will approach understanding this book.  But, just like truths in Christianity, this approach in controverted.  You and I can differ over baptism, the Lord’s Supper, end times, and still be in fellowship without dismissing the other’s views.  In fact, all truth is controverted and the church has and continues to argue…

Revelation 4

Revelation 4 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence Prior to revealing mysterious scrolls and seals, bowls and trumpets, all those things that so easily confuse the average reader, John gives us a glimpse into the very throne room of God in heaven.  For just a few moments, through a divine revelation, John stands on the brink of eternity and sees something astounding and yet similar to what Ezekiel and Isaiah had seen back in the Old Testament. …

Revelation 3

Revelation 3 by David Groendyk The seven churches in Revelation 2–3 are meant to be the original recipients of the book of Revelation, but these seven very different groups of believers are also meant to represent different types of Christians and churches throughout all of history. For each of these churches, God gives warnings of judgment for unbelief and promises of life for those who conquer. Both the warnings and promises are meant for you…

Revelation 2

Revelation 2 Devotions By Pastor Mark Hudson You have probably noticed a pattern in chapters 2-3.  In fact, you will find literary patterns in the entire Bible if you are a careful reader.  These are clues to aid your understanding.  Here is the pattern you may have noticed.   (More Than Conquerors by William Hendriksen) Salutation or address g. To the angel of the church in . . . . Christ’s self-designation g. he that holds…

Revelation 1

Revelation 1 Devotional  by Pastor Lawrence Although the book of Revelation is normally considered to be prophecy, and rightly so, it is technically also one of the epistles of John, the apostle, which he writes to seven particular churches in the ancient Roman province of Asia, which was located in what is now western Turkey.  One unique aspect of this epistle is that John was commanded by Christ to write it down after he had…

Micah 7

Micah 7 Devotions By Pastor Mark Hudson This is a fitting conclusion to his book.  As we know, Micah produced a brief book but his ministry was lengthy and substantive.  This section is hopeful and ends on a respectful, awe filled note of praise. 1-7 is an easily discerned section.   In Micah 7: 1-7, Micah rails against the corrupt nation.  This description fits so many countries at different times.  This shows the corrupt, materialistic, and…

Micah 6

Micah 6 by Pastor Lawrence Bowlin  After pointedly rebuking the sins of Israel and then giving them certain hope in light of the promises of God concerning the Christ who would come, the prophet Micah now calls for a day of decision in their relationship with the Lord.  Speaking to an arrogant people who have not walked humbly with their God, the Lord himself calls upon the mountains and hills surrounding them to testify to…

Micah 5

Micah 5 by David Groendyk After hearing of God’s plan of salvation in chapter 4, we hear of the One who will bring about that salvation in chapter 5. The first couple verses of this chapter are actually filled with irony. Micah calls Israel to muster up their own army, presumably to bring about the victory that God had told them of in the previous chapter. However, the assumption is that, obviously, Israel can’t do…

Micah 4

Micah 4 by Pastor Mark Hudson In Micah 4, Micah pivots from his preaching in chapters 2 and 3 and speaks of  “the latter days”.  Micah looks forward, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, to the coming days or latter days.  The latter days do not always refer to the end of time.  In this case, as verse 10 mentions, this includes the future when they leave for Babylon  as well as the days…

Micah 3

Micah 3 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence In this chapter the prophet Micah continues to call out the sins of the leaders in Israel, pointing out the failures of both the secular as well as the spiritual rulers over God’s people.  Both groups had practiced their sin for quite some time thinking that God did not see or did not care about their transgressions, but the prophet here is speaking forth God’s Word to hold such…

Micah 2

Micah 2 by David Groendyk Transitioning from chapter 1 to chapter 2, Micah turns his attention from general populations to specific people. One of the major themes of Micah is the social injustice going on in Israel, and here in chapter 2, Micah is calling out the rich, elite leaders of Israel for their particular sins. In vv. 1–5, Micah explains how the rich leaders are oppressing the poorer classes. They’re exploiting those who are…

Micah 1

Micah 1 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson Micah (who is like Yah?) was from such a small town it was named Moresheth-Gath – Gath the bigger town next to tiny Moresheth.  He was a rural person who sympathized with the farmers who were unjustly treated by the wealthy.  He preached during the reign of the three kings mentioned in verse 1.  Yet the positive response Micah witnessed only occurred in the reign of Hezekiah.  So…

Matthew 28

Matthew 28 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence     It is fitting that Matthew would end his gospel with Christ’s command to his disciples to go out and share that gospel message with others.  But, technically, the word “go” is not a command in this passage, although most translations read that way.  Translated correctly, v.19 would read more like “As you are going, make disciples of all nations…baptizing them (and) teaching them all that I have commanded you.” …

Matthew 27

Matthew 27 by David Groendyk One of the major themes in this chapter is injustice. We can categorically state that there has never been a bigger or crueler injustice than the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. One of the songs we’ve been singing (or recommending to sing) in our Holy Week services is “Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery”. In that song there’s a line: “Come behold the wondrous mystery—slain by death the God of life.” Think…

Matthew 25

Matthew 25 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence This chapter continues with the same theme as chapter twenty-four in light of the second coming of Christ, and the Parable of the Ten Virgins is given by Jesus to exhort his disciples to continue watching and eagerly anticipating Christ’s imminent return. In the parable, a man and a woman are about to be married, but it is not certain that the date has been fixed; at least the…

Matthew 24

Matthew 24 by David Groendyk I think it’s fair to say that Matthew 24 is a confusing chapter. Jesus is weaving together in one sermon different facets of what the world will look like as his second coming draws nearer. Many scholars, theologians, and pastors have spent lots of energy and spilled lots of ink debating some of the difficulties of this chapter. I’ll do my best to give you all some clarity in this…