Zechariah 8 Prayer Points
Prayer of Sanctification
O Lord, you are a jealous God. Like a bridegroom jealous over his bride, so you are jealous over your people. For you have saved us from the east and the west and brought us into your glorious church. You have called us your people and allowed us to call you ‘Our God.’ And you have promised to make your home with us, to dwell in our midst, and to bless us forever in your presence. And it is marvelous in our eyes. O Sprit, strengthen our hearts to receive your Word and our hands to carry it out. Grant us your peace and the fruit of your Spirit that we might be a blessing to others. Help us to speak the truth to one another; to render judgments that are true and that make for peace; and to hate the things that you hate. May all your people love the truth, stive for peace and enter into a season of joy and gladness of heart when we see the peoples of the earth entreating your favor and seeking your face, even asking to come with us to worship the Lord our God, knowing that God is with us.