Zechariah 7

Zechariah 7 Prayer Points

Prayer of Confession
Lord God, we are challenged in this chapter to examine the true motivation of our hearts in serving you, and we confess that our worship at times has been full of empty expressions of piety rather than wholehearted love for our Savior and King. O Lord, you have spoken to us the words of life, but we have not listened. We have turned a stubborn shoulder away from you and stopped our ears that we might not hear you. We have made our hearts diamond-hard lest we should understand and obey. O Lord, do not be angry with your children and do not withdraw from us in grief, but have mercy upon us and forgive us for our foolishness and hypocrisy. Lord, teach us how to love you and how to live a life that truly reflects your love and righteousness, showing kindness and mercy to sinners, helping the fatherless and the widow, ministering to the poor and the needy, and learning to love our neighbor as ourselves.