Psalm 131

Psalm 131 Devotional
by Pastor Lawrence

This is now the twelfth psalm of ascent, and this one transitions from the theme of forgiveness to that of child-like trust. A believer who knows something of the love and forgiveness of the Lord is also learning much of the wisdom and faithfulness of the Lord to do him good in every situation. Unexpectedly, the more a Christian grows in spiritual maturity, the more child-like she becomes.

In the first verse, David gladly and humbly proclaims his simple yet confident dependence upon the Lord. He does not lift up his heart in arrogance demanding things from the Lord. He does not compare himself to other men envying their power and position. He does not aspire greatness for himself but seeks the glory of the Lord in all things. He also does not question God’s sovereignty or wisdom in what he orders and allows in David’s life. He simply trusts the Lord to do what is right and to use him in whatever way He sees fit.

In the second verse David compares himself to a weaned child as opposed to an infant who continually cries out I desperation for its every need. A weaned child cannot live on his own and he knows that, yet there is now a confidence and loving trust in his mother to provide for all his needs at the proper time. The spiritual correlation ought to be painfully obvious, although we forget this profound and wonderful truth and trust at times. Here, David says that He intentionally calms his soul with this assurance, so we can learn by his example to do the same when we are anxious and afraid.

Then in the final verse David exhorts all of God’s people to put their hope and trust in the Lord in this way both for now and for always for the Lord has and will care for all our needs. He will never leave or forsake us. He will never forget us and be inattentive to our prayers. He will love us tenderly and love us till the end.