Micah 3 Prayer Points
O Lord, you are the great king of all the earth and the ruler over all the nations. It is you who have appointed kings and princes to oversee the peoples, and it is for them to know justice, to hate evil and to love good. But instead. they hate the good and love the evil. They detest justice and make crooked all that is straight. They build their cities with blood and their countries with iniquity. They give judgment according to bribes and feed off the flesh of their subjects. O Lord, hear and see how your people struggle under these regimes and grant them relief.
Our Father, you have revealed yourself and your works unto your people through your Holy Word and you have entrusted your glorious gospel to be preached by weak and foolish men, some of whom cry “peace” when there is no peace and others who declare war against you because they know nothing of your ways and care nothing for your will. O Lord, close the mouths of these hired hands who labor only for money and who are misleading your little children astray. And raise up instead men filled with power, with the Spirit of the Lord, and with justice and might, to declare to your church her transgressions and to your people her sins that none of us might be unprepared for the Day of reckoning.