Matthew 28 Prayer Points:
Prayer of Adoration: Our Father, we praise you that it was according to your definite plan and foreknowledge that your son Jesus was crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men, and it was according to your great power that he was raised again to life filling the hearts of all your disciples with joy. O Jesus of Nazareth, we worship you for you are the firstborn from among the dead, our Savior and Lord. All authority in heaven and earth has been given unto you and we gladly serve you as our king. O Holy Spirit, we praise you for inspiring the prophets and apostles to declare this glorious news unto men and for moving our hearts to believe it. We greatly rejoice and we worship your holy name.
Prayer of Sanctification: O Lord, by your command and blessing, send us out as your heralds and ambassadors this day, and go with us to faithfully proclaim this good news, teaching others to observe all that you have commanded us to do as your holy disciples we pray, in Jesus’ name.