Matthew 12 Prayer Points
Pastor Lawrence
Prayers of Adoration: (to Christ) the Lord of the Sabbath, God’s chosen servant, his beloved son with whom He is well pleased, and in whose name the Gentiles will hope. He is our great high priest even greater than the temple of God. He is our great prophet, greater than Jonah, and our great king, even greater than King Solomon in all his wisdom, power and glory.
Prayers of Confession: We who live in the midst of an evil and adulterous generation have been called out of the darkness into your marvelous light. And we freely confess our sins unto you, O God, knowing that you desire mercy rather than sacrifice, that all our sins can be forgiven save one, and that our hope is in the name of Christ and not our own lawfulness. He is the bruised reed that will not break. But we are a broken people and we have borne a multitude of bad fruit from withered branches on an evil tree, bringing evil out of the evil treasure stored up within our hearts. Merciful God, forgive us of our transgressions and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Prayers of Sanctification: As members of God’s kingdom, not only is it lawful for us to do good, but we are now enabled by God’s Spirit to do good works, so may you fill us with more of your goodness to go about doing good today. May we not speak careless words but good words that justify God’s gracious calling upon our lives. As good trees may we bear good fruit today. Out of the abundance of grace in our hearts may we be speak forth your goodness and grace today. May we bring forth much good out of the good treasure stored up within us. And may we not have divided hearts but be eager to cast out the words and works of Satan from our minds and our homes that we might plainly see that the kingdom of God has come upon us and that Christ reigns over us. May Jesus readily identify us as his brothers and sisters today as those who do the will of our heavenly father.