Mark 1 and 2 Prayer Points

Mark 1 and 2 Prayer Points

O Lord, you are the promised Christ, the holy one of God. We are not worthy to stoop down and untie the strap of your sandals, for you are God’s beloved son with whom He is well pleased. On earth, you were greatly tempted by the devil, but you frustrated all his plans and devices. You taught with great authority, cast out demons and healed all kinds of diseases. There is nothing that you cannot do. You have demonstrated your divine authority to forgive us of our sins, and your great power to perceive even the questions in our hearts. We have left everything to follow you, to learn from you, and serve as your messengers preparing the way for your glorious return to earth. O Lord, embolden us to cry out in the wilderness of this world, “Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. The Kingdom of God is near; repent and believe the good news!” Jesus, may your fame spread throughout all the world, and may the nations throng to hear your word, like they did in Israel when you walked the earth. O Lord, we mourn and fast as long as our beloved bridegroom is away from us and we long for your return. We long for that eternal Sabbath rest where the Son of Man comes to reign as Lord over all the earth.