Joshua 14
Pastor Mark Hudson
You just have to love Caleb! We start this chapter with how and why the land was divided the way it was. Then in verse 6, we hear from Caleb. Carefully read the words the narrator records that come from Caleb’s mouth. The constant refrain is “just as the Lord had commanded by the hand of Moses” or phrases similar to that. Israel was to obey God. They did this poorly and sometimes not at all. But their calling was to love and obey the Lord. Those are not two different and separate things but two sides of the same coin. But for Caleb, the word from God sent to Moses was all he needed. He believed and trusted in God. He took seriously God’s word.
Dale Ralph Davis divides this section on Caleb as follows:
14:7-8 The Devotion of Faith
14:9 The Anchor of Faith
14:10-11 The Perspective of Faith
14:12 The Energy of Faith
14:15 and chapter 17 The Model of Faith
Even though some believers are weak in faith, we see Caleb, an 85-year-old man that loved God and was ready for anything. A man’s man can meet different things to different people, but Caleb is a model for godly men everywhere. Caleb and Joshua are old friends. They, along with Moses, were the key figures during the time of the exodus and the conquest. Caleb reminisces and reflects with Joshua. They were both there when Moses commissioned them in Numbers 13. The only two that showed faith was Joshua and Caleb. They risked their lives to stand by God (Num. 14:10). Caleb reflects with his dear, faithful, and trusted friend Joshua. ‘You were there, Joshua. You know.’
Caleb, not bragging or belittling himself, but quoting Moses, Caleb knows the two of them “wholly followed the Lord my God” (vs. 8, 9). Caleb looks back with fondness and looks forward with confidence. That is what godly people get to do. There is deep satisfaction in looking back at your life and see how God has kept you and allowed you to serve Him.
Caleb spent his life following God and His word. Caleb did not do his own thing. Caleb was free, joyful, and enjoyed life to the fullest. He did that by being a bondservant of the Lord. Just like the Apostle Paul would say (Rom. 1:1; I Cor. 9:19; Titus 1:1). Caleb was not complaining. He was rejoicing. What a life to be envied. If you live a life like that, you will be repaid. In payment no one can take away. Ever.
Since he is a servant, Caleb is focused on God. When you start your Christian life, it is all about me. Then it is about me and God. Then it become God and me. Finally, it becomes all about God (Joel Beeke). Caleb keeps talking about what the Lord said/spoke, following the Lord, the Lord kept me alive, the Lords spoke to Moses, Moses sent/ swore. Caleb loved God and lived for the glory of God. What a way to spend your life.
Caleb was 85 and asked not for a chair but a challenge. Caleb wasn’t done nor was he willing to watch others do what he could still do. But that attitude did not begin at age 85. If you want to end well like Caleb did, start young. Are the type of person at a young age who is growing spiritually and looks for ways to serve God? Are you at middle age working for a boat, a nicer car, a better vacation? Or are you hungry for God? As you near retirement, do you think of those years as your time to do what you want to do? Or are you looking for more ways to serve? I remember a younger man telling me that we was going to serve in the church when he retired. I was thinking, “No you are not. You don’t serve Him now. You probably won’t serve then.” I certainly hope I was wrong. I would love to be wrong. But the reminder is: start now. Serve God and live for Christ now. Read and study now. Turn off social media, the t.v., your screens, and pursue God. If you use screens to study, keep the screens on!
Now is the time to get closer to the Lord Jesus. You will never regret the time you spend getting to know our Lord better. You will never regret serving the body of Christ for the glory of God. The moment you die, you will not wish you had a bigger boat, lived in a bigger and better house, or drove a new car. Once you see the glory of Christ, you will instantly be glorified and long for nothing else. I imagine that no words, no songs, not even the stretch of our imagination can hold a candle to what that glory will be to behold.
We are waiting for that moment when we will see Him face-to-face. His holiness will eliminate and remove our sin from us. We will experience the joy we only caught glimpses of in this life.
Dear heavenly Father, we thank you for the challenging life of Caleb. May we honor You by seeking more and better ways to serve You. I pray that Caleb would challenge us to volunteer to fight giants. Sometimes we make excuses as we get older, or we make excuses for other reasons. Instead of resting, may we wrestle “against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness.” Then help us to stand in the full amor of God. In the glorious name of our risen King, Jesus. Amen.