Jeremiah 31

Jeremiah 31 Prayer Points

You have loved us with an everlasting love; therefore, you have continued your faithfulness to us. You will build us up in love and we shall be adorned with your beauty, bearing fruit into old age. You are a father to us. You are our shepherd who faithfully keeps his flock. We sing aloud on the heights and are radiant over the goodness of the Lord. We will languish no more. You have turned our mourning into joy, granted us comfort and exchanged our sorrow for gladness. Our souls will feast upon your abundance and we will be satisfied with your goodness.

Confession: We are ashamed and confounded by our sin. Forgive us our iniquities and remember our sins no more. You have disciplined us and we were disciplined. Now bring us back that we might be restored to your grace. With weeping, we long to return to you and with pleas of mercy we ask that you would lead us back to you. You have promised that you will never cast off your offspring. Lead us back beside your refreshing streams of water. Teach us to walk again in your straight paths that we might not foolishly stumble into sin. Instruct us in the ways of wisdom that we might look to the guideposts to remember your ways and not waver in faithlessness.

Plant us deep in your Word and watch over our edification. Write your laws on our hearts that we might walk in your ways and freely identify as your people. May we all know you, truly know you. Make us sacred unto the Lord. Help us to know that there is a reward for our labor and that there is hope for our future. Help us to remember that we are your dear children, your darlings and that your heart yearns for us. May our weary and languishing souls be replenished and find satisfaction in you today.