Jeremiah 15

Jeremiah 15 Prayer Points

O Lord, God of hosts, we have been called by your name to live for your glory. You have set us free from our slavery to sin to make us slaves to your righteousness. And you have redeemed us from the curse of the law to make us a blessing to the lost. O God, turn your heart toward your people and keep your eye upon us for our good, for we are the privileged recipients of your grace and favor. Yet we have gone backward and rejected the God of our salvation. Still, you have promised us that if we return, you will restore us, and we shall stand before you. We believe your holy word, O God, and we seek to turn from our wicked ways. Take pity upon us and visit us for we are helpless to change our own hearts. Fill us with your indignation over the sinfulness of our sin that we might forsake it for your name’s sake. When we hear your words, may we truly receive them by faith that they might become to us a joy and the delight of our hearts.