Jeremiah 14 Prayer Points
O God our hope, you are our Savior in times of trouble and you dwell continually in our midst. You have called us by your name and have promised never to leave us nor forsake us. But we have forsaken you, O Lord, wandering again from your presence seeking out broken cisterns that can hold no water. Father, our backslidings are many and our iniquities testify against us so that we are ashamed and confounded by the evil we see in our own hearts, and yet we don’t see it all as you do. Lord, we are not worthy to come before you and to present our petitions before your holy throne. We never deserve your blessings, your favor or your welfare. But we plead in the name of Jesus that you would not utterly reject us, loathe us, and dishonor your holy throne because of our foolishness. Along with our confession of sin, we plead for your Spirit to make us deeply feel the weight of our transgressions, to hate them, and to know more how much they grieve you. O Lord, our hope is in you, not in ourselves. We trust in the promise of your covenant and rely upon the power of your Spirit that we might live according to the glory of your commands and the beauty of your wisdom. Lord, give us more insight, more feeling, more depth of love, that we might love you and follow you more closely, we pray, in Jesus’ name.