Hosea 6

Hosea 6 Prayer Points

Lord Most High, we praise you for your steadfast love and mercy, for our own love is like a mourning cloud, and like the dew that disappears with the rising sun.  Like Adam in the Garden of Eden, we have transgressed your holy covenant and have dealt faithlessly with the God of our salvation.  Lord, forgive us and mend our wayward hearts that we might return to you, the Lover of our souls.  For you have promised to revive us and to lead us into repentance that we might live in your presence and walk in your ways.  O Lord, sanctify us by your Spirit.  Hew us and slay us by the words of your mouth.  Tear us and rend our hearts that you might heal us raising us up again in love.  Lord, mortify the old man within us that we might know you, and that you might come to us like the spring rains that water the earth.