Hosea 11 Prayer Points
O Lord, you have continued your faithfulness to us because you have loved us with an everlasting love. Even in the womb you loved us and set your heart upon us. You have chosen us to be your holy people and have called us out of this world, yet now when you call, we are not quick to come. Instead, we are bent on turning away from you, not understanding that we are turning away from life itself. Rather than praying to you, we have called upon our idols, looking to them and waiting upon them. Yet it was you who taught us to walk, and you who led us with cords of kindness and bands of love, providing for all our needs. Lord, have compassion upon us and show forth your tender mercy to us once again because of Christ Jesus. Do not give us up. Do not hand us over to the evil one, and do not let sin reign over us, for you are our rightful king and Lord, and we are your beloved people.