Exodus 36 Prayer Points
Gracious God, your name is worthy of all praise, glory and honor for you are the only true God and the builder of all things. And you deserve to have a house dedicated to your glory in every town and in every city in every country of the world that every tongue and tribe might praise you and bow before your holy throne. You deserve the best of all our offerings, the best of our service, and the best of our hearts, so we pray that you would fill our hearts with love and understanding this day that we might perceive more of your glory, more of your power, and more of your greatness to know that there is no one like you, nothing greater than your praise, and nothing more worthy of our time and our treasure than serving you. O Lord, give us that same spirit that you gave the Israelites when constructing your holy tabernacle who brought more than enough freewill offerings into your sanctuary that they had to be restrained from bringing anything more. For Christ’s sake and for your throne, we pray that you would inspire us and spur us on in service and in praise.