Exodus 16 Prayer Points
Our Father, you are so very good to your people, caring for us like a shepherd who tends his flocks, providing for our needs, and giving us nourishment and rest. You have never forsaken the righteous nor left our children begging for bread. You have always remembered us kindly and have prospered us in our ways. How then could we grumble against such a gracious God? How could we suspect you of failing to consider our need? How could we ever accuse you of evil or malign your holy name? O Lord, we are so ungrateful, so untrusting, so proud and petty. We are so ignorant that we can fathom what you have in store for us. We are so impatient that we cannot wait for your mighty hand to pour out your blessings upon us. Lord, you have tested us, and we have failed the test. We have not loved you more than the things of this world. We have not believed your holy Word. And we have not trusted that you know what you’re doing. We have put ourselves in the place of God. We have judged our creator and slighted our redeemer. We have sinned against our savior and Lord. Forgive us we pray in Jesus’ name. Lord, open our eyes once again that we might see the glory of the Lord, that we might trust in your promises and obey your precepts. You are our joy and our rest; help us never to forget your works and your ways.