Joshua 16

Joshua 16 by Pastor David Groendyk What can we derive from 10 simple verses of land allotment for one tribe of Israel? Quite a bit actually! It’s hard to separate chapter 16 from chapter 17, because together they make up the land allotment of both of Joseph’s sons—Ephraim and Manasseh—but chapter 16 alone offers both a wonderful reminder and a stern warning. The wonderful reminder comes from an observation in verse 5: Ephraim is listed…

Joshua 15

Joshua 15 Devotional By Pastor Lawrence This is the first of many chapters recounting how Joshua divided the land amongst the remaining tribes west of the Jordan River. Judah is the first tribe to receive her inheritance in the southernmost region of the Promised Land. With the natural boundary of the Jordan River and the Dead Sea in the east, and the Mediterranean Sea in the west, the region of Judah lay just south of…

Joshua 14

Joshua 14 Pastor Mark Hudson You just have to love Caleb! We start this chapter with how and why the land was divided the way it was. Then in verse 6, we hear from Caleb. Carefully read the words the narrator records that come from Caleb’s mouth. The constant refrain is “just as the Lord had commanded by the hand of Moses” or phrases similar to that. Israel was to obey God. They did this…

Joshua 13

Joshua 13 Devotional By Pastor Lawrence Now that most of the regions of the Promised Land have been taken by the Israelites, God commands Joshua to divide the land into allotments as an inheritance for the nine and a half remaining tribes who had not yet received their inheritance east of the Jordan River through the hands of Moses. The tribes of Reuben, Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh had received their inheritances early after…

Joshua 12

Joshua 12 Pastor Mark Hudson This chapter may seem a bit like reading a bookkeeping ledger.  Remember to keep in mind that conquering this land was no small thing for Israel.  God, who made heaven and earth, God who is holy, and God who owns every single inch of this world is doing something great.  God is forming a new nation out of one couple: Abraham and Sarah.  God is then giving them a small…

Joshua 11

Joshua 11 Pastor David Groendyk Here we have the last true battle in the book of Joshua, and we’re not even halfway done with the book! Notice a few things about this final war scene. First, it’s interesting how we’ve moved from Israel fighting against individual kings and nations (like Jericho) to entire coalitions of armies. I tried to count the number of kings Israel would’ve been fighting in this war, and I ran out…

Joshua 10

Joshua 10 Devotional By Pastor Lawrence Soon after making this very hasty covenant with the Gibeonites, Israel had to defend her new bedfellow when the King of Jerusalem gathered her own alliance of Amorite nations to attack their unsuspecting neighbor. It is an interesting insight to know that the enemies of God attacked Gibeah out of fear of the Israelites. Nevertheless, the Israelites were also afraid of this new coalition, so the Lord had to…

Joshua 9

Joshua 9 Pastor Mark Hudson In Joshua 9, the Gibeonites, part of the Hivite tribe, deceive Joshua to stay alive.  They execute a deceptive story quite well.  Well enough to fool Joshua which keeps the Gibeonites alive.  For Joshua’s part, he should have called for the priests to hear from God.  So, let’s look at what the Gibeonites did and why. In Deut 20:10ff, Moses records the terms of peace Israel offered to some people. …

Joshua 8

Joshua 8 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence After the humiliating defeat at Ai, it was not the heart of the Canaanites but that of the Israelites that was filled with fear. However, now that Achan’s sin had been dealt with and the camp of the Israelites purged of his evil, there would be no roadblock to Israel’s success going forward. Nevertheless, Joshua was concerned that this mishap would only strengthen the resolve of the local inhabitants…

Joshua 7

Joshua 7 Pastor Mark Hudson Joshua 7 is an easy chapter to understand but also easy to disregard or overlook.  This is one of the times in the Bible that the reader is given information the characters do not possess. This chapter reminds us of the seriousness of sin and how God utterly hates sin.  We are told in verse 1 how Achan violated the command in 6:18, “But you, keep yourselves from the things…

Joshua 6

Joshua 6 Pastor David Groendyk The people of Israel have passed over the Jordan River and been prepared for battle by the Lord, and now begins a large section of Israel taking the land through war. The city of Jericho is the first whiff of fulfillment when it comes to inheriting the land. If you’re anything like me, you have to try hard to get the Veggie Tales image of this battle out of your…

Joshua 5

Joshua 5 Devotional By Pastor Lawrence The events in this chapter signify the end of Israel’s forty years of wandering in the wilderness and the beginning of her call to Holy War. We also find that the miraculous parting of the Jordan River was carried out not merely for Israel’s own encouragement but also for the discouragement of the local inhabitants of Canaan who would dare to stand in opposition to the God who rebukes…

Joshua 4

Joshua 4 Pastor Mark Hudson You can tell we are mid-stream (I couldn’t help it) in this section that covers chapters 3-7. In chapter 8, we read of the fall of Ai. So in our chapter, we read of a number of words that are repeated. After reading this chapter you noticed those words: 12, ark, stones, Jordan, memorial, priests, commanded, passed over, dry ground, Joshua, and Moses. This narration picks up as the nation…

Joshua 3

Joshua 3 Devotional By Pastor Lawrence Reminiscent of the parting of the Red Sea, God’s miraculous display of power in dividing the waters of the Jordan River was designed to instill faith and fear in the heart of the younger generations who had not witnessed that first miracle. Standing just outside of the Promised Land, Joshua and Caleb were called to lead these young’uns into their promised place of rest. But it was not yet…

Joshua 2

Joshua 2 Pastor Mark Hudson When you read a narrative, you should be pursuing what is called “authorial intent.” This simply means to follow the author or discover what the author is saying. To help in this pursuit, look for repetition, look at the context, and sometimes look at the structure of a passage. One literary technique is called a chiastic structure. It looks something like a V with the bottom pointing to the right,…

Joshua 1

Joshua 1 Pastor David Groendyk Don’t you wish you could get a pep talk like the one God gave Joshua? After hearing what God had to say, I have to imagine Joshua was ready to run through a wall for the Lord, as the saying goes. Before we get into the specifics of Joshua 1, though, let’s orient ourselves to the whole book of Joshua. Joshua is the first of the historical books in the…

Ecclesiastes 12

Ecclesiastes 12 Devotional By Pastor Lawrence Concluding his bleak evaluation of all things done under the sun, Solomon exhorts his son to remember his creator in the days of his youth, for there is a tendency of younger people to anticipate and assume all the joys of the future while disregarding the inevitable challenges of aging and death. So, Solomon gives him a glimpse of what it will be like describing the aging process in…

Ecclesiastes 11

Ecclesiastes 11 Pastor Mark Hudson Verse 1 of chapter 11 is not easily understood.  First the verb translated as ‘cast,’ according to most scholars, does not mean throw or cast but send.  The verse either has to do with being charitable or investing.  The latter seems to fit the language and context better.  Qoheleth encourages us to invest in a variety of measures, not just one, because we do not know the future.  Then according…

Ecclesiastes 10

Ecclesiastes 10 Devotional By Pastor Lawrence Bowlin Throughout this chapter, Solomon again contrasts the nature and power of wisdom and folly. Even though wisdom is both sweet-smelling and exceedingly valuable, only a little foolishness can cause quite a stink. And the difference is not merely external, for wisdom in the heart continually leans toward righteousness, whereas foolishness in the heart leans toward wickedness. Nevertheless, the difference can be demonstrable at times even in the way…

Ecclesiastes 9

Ecclessiastes 9 Pastor Mark Hudson You can read Ecclesiastes and take the author literally or you can read it noticing the way he is writing.  We can slow down, consider his style, think about his probing, questioning style and look for ways that he might be saying the truth but in an unusual fashion. In verse 1 he says what we all know and agree that our “deeds are in the hand of God.”  Life…

Ecclesiastes 8

Ecclesiastes 8 Pastor David Groendyk “Who is like the wise? And who knows the interpretation of a thing?” You might be quick to answer that by saying, “No one!” But that’s not the point Solomon is making. Rather, he’s saying that wisdom is quite attainable, albeit, difficult to attain. Not many have this kind of wisdom, but some do, and all should strive for it. This chapter in particular could be considered wisdom for tricky…