Jeremiah 27

Jeremiah 27 by Pastor David Groendyk Here is another chapter in which Jeremiah warns people of impending doom. The emphasis this time, however, lies in the fact that the people should not listen to the prophets, diviners, dreamers, fortune-tellers, or sorcerers who are saying that the exile won’t come (v. 9). And the Lord is awfully direct in these verses. Notice how many times he calls out the false prophets for their lies: “Do not…

Jeremiah 26

Jeremiah 26 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson Tensions are rising.  We have seen in earlier chapters the priests are not happy with Jeremiah.  It may be because the priests were profiting from the idolatry of the people.  But the anger from the priests toward Jeremiah started as early as Jeremiah one.  Read the following verses the show the mounting anger of the priests against Jeremiah the truth teller from God.  Jer. 1:16; 2:8, 26; 4:8-9;…

Jeremiah 25

Jeremiah 25 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence There are two primary themes in our passage this morning.  The first has to do with the importance of listening and the second with the restoration of the fear of God in men.  In Jeremiah’s day, God’s people had been given ample opportunities to hear the word of the Lord, but they did not really listen to it; they never truly inclined their ear to the Lord’s teaching.  Jeremiah…

Jeremiah 24

Jeremiah 24 by Pastor David Groendyk The final exile for Judah has not yet happened, but King Nebuchadnezzar is slowly choking the capital city of Jerusalem. This is now the second “mini-exile” Babylon has done to Jerusalem; the final big one will happen 11 years after the events of verse 1. After this mini-exile, the Lord gives Jeremiah a vision of two baskets of figs—one very good basket and another very bad basket. The good…

Jeremiah 23

Jeremiah 23 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson Shepherds care for sheep.  Shepherds serve sheep by providing them places to graze, drink, rest as well as keeping them safe.  Yet sheep are blind to the care, service, and commitment of the shepherd.  Sheep do not say thank you or appreciate your work.  Not just because sheep can’t talk; they are oblivious to the shepherd’s care.  Sheep are not too intelligent. We refer to pastors or other…

Jeremiah 22

Jeremiah 22 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence A little history lesson is needed to understand the names of the kings who are mentioned in our chapter this morning.  After the death of Josiah, the last godly king of Judah, at the hands of Pharaoh Neco II in battle in 609 BC, there were four more kings who briefly reigned over the nation of Judah before Jerusalem was finally destroyed and the nation became a province of…

Jeremiah 21

Jeremiah 21 by Pastor David Groendyk My ESV Study Bible gives me a header for these next nine chapters (Jeremiah 21–29): “Jeremiah’s Confrontations”. In these chapters, Jeremiah will go on the offensive against kings (21:1–23:8), prophets (23:9–40), the people (24:1–25:38), and false beliefs (26:1–29:32). Our chapter this morning begins the section where Jeremiah opposes the kings. King Zedekiah, who would end up being the very last king of Judah, sends Pashhur (some believe this is…

Jeremiah 20

Jeremiah 20 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson Chapters 18 and 19 are rather brutal.  The tensions are rising as Jeremiah continues to be faithful to God’s Word.  We must keep in mind that all Jeremiah is doing is repeating the message God is giving Jeremiah.  The message does not originate with Jeremiah.  All Jeremiah needs to do is relay the message to the people.  He did not add or subtract from God’s message.  This is…

Jeremiah 19

Jeremiah 19 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence Before leaving the potter’s house, after watching him remold and shape his clay, the prophet Jeremiah is directed by the Lord to buy a clay jar from him and to take it with him to the valley of the son of Hinnom.  We have no idea who Hinnom was, but the place to which Jeremiah is being sent, just outside the city of Jerusalem, has been associated with the…

Jeremiah 18

Jeremiah 18 by David Groendyk The object lesson in the first part of our chapter today (vv. 1–11) illustrates one of the hardest teachings in Scripture: that God is the potter, we are the clay, and he has the right to do with us whatever seems good to him (v. 4). He is utterly sovereign over all things. For Israel and Judah, what seemed good to God was to give them over to their enemies…

Jeremiah 17

Jeremiah 17 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson God enters into a covenant relationship with His people.  For some theologians, this is such a central theme,; they call their theology covenant theology.  While I believe in infant baptism, I prefer to use the term covenant baptism.  The covenant is bilateral or conditional.  In other words, God keeps His covenant promise on the condition that we listen, obey, and place our faith in Him.  The Israelites were…

Jeremiah 16

Jeremiah 16 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence This prophecy was mostly likely given near the end of King Jehoiakim’s reign close to the time of the actual invasion by the Babylonians.  Because the entire land was about to be destroyed along with all of its people, God tells the prophet not to take a wife in Jerusalem nor to have sons and daughters in the Promised Land, for soon they would all be dead.  If they…

Jeremiah 15

Jeremiah 15 by David Groendyk Judah has passed the point of no return (v. 1). They have so forsaken God that there’s no hope of God relenting from his punishment. Even if Moses and Samuel stood before the Lord and pleaded for this people, he would not listen. Moses interceded for the people of Israel time and again and caused God to spare the people while they were wandering through the wilderness on the way…

Jeremiah 14

Jeremiah 14 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson I have often wondered why Christians have not been more vocal in their support of all things relating to nature.  We believe God created the world and therefore matter is good.  We believe He gave the land of Israel to His chosen people.  We believe he often speaks about sending rain on just and unjust and a common refrain of peace and tranquility is every man under his…

Jeremiah 13

Jeremiah 13 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence     In our text this morning, Jeremiah performs some of the first sign acts in his lengthy ministry.  A sign act is a tool that is often employed by the prophets who are directed by God to give a type of visual aid to help bring home their message from God.  It is often a very peculiar action taken by a prophet in front of a crowd of Israelites that…

Jeremiah 12

Jeremiah 12 by Pastor David Groendyk  The complaint that Jeremiah raises here is surely a familiar one: “Why does the way of the wicked prosper?” Jeremiah has just learned of a conspiracy against him in the previous chapter. Certain men from Jeremiah’s hometown Anathoth want to kill him. They threaten to kill him if he continues prophesying of the coming judgment. How can God let that stand? Why doesn’t he intervene and do something about…

Jeremiah 11

Jeremiah 11 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson You don’t have to read Hebrew to see the repeated words in 11:1-10.  We keep reading hear, obey, listen, and incline your ear.  God tells Jeremiah to tell His people to listen and hear God’s Words.  Why?  So they can obey Him.  He wants us to listen or incline our ears so we will have a blessed life obeying God. Why are we so deaf to God?  We…

Jeremiah 10

Jeremiah 10 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence Every now and then the Old Testament prophets seek to unveil the mystery and moronic nature of idolatry in Gentile culture.  From the very birth of Israel, God had warned them to stay away from all forms of idolatry, and yet, here again, the Lord is warning them through the prophet Jeremiah about not being conformed to the ways of the nations around them by following in their same…

Jeremiah 8

Jeremiah 8 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson              There are some popular verses in this chapter.  But before I point those out, these verses remind me of an advantage Bible readers have.  I hope you visit art museums or read literature other than the Bible at times.  What is your advantage?  When you walk into an art museum you understand many if not most of the Biblical stories and characters.  You can identify the major…

Jeremiah 7

Jeremiah 7 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence Bowlin In the previous chapter we we’re told that God had set watchmen, like Jeremiah, over the house of Israel warning them to pay attention to the sound of the trumpet of God’s judgment, but the people said, “We will not pay attention.”  So now the Lord goes one step farther by sending Jeremiah into the very gates of the temple to stand in the way of every man…

Jeremiah 6

Jeremiah 6 by Pastor David Groendyk This is the horrific outcome of Judah continuing to ignore God’s warnings and calls to repent. This is also exactly what God had predicted many times would happen when his people continue in sin. One instance of this is in Deuteronomy 28. If the people of God would not be careful to obey all God’s commands, curses would fall upon them. Crops, cattle, wombs, physical health, mental health, houses,…