Isaiah 43

Isaiah 43 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson             In a lengthy book like Isaiah, I like to know where I am in the context of the entire book.  I follow the outline of John Oswalt’s commentary.  I made copies of that outline (2 sided) and the one-sided copy of E.J. Youngs’ commentary last Sunday night.  There might be copies in the office still.             We are in a section, according to Oswalt, from Is. 42:10-44:22…

Isaiah 42

Isaiah 42 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence It is no wonder that the Ethiopian eunuch had a hard time understanding the scroll of Isaiah when he was reading it seated in his chariot in Acts 9.  When Phillip asked him if he understood what he was reading about the servant of God in Isaiah, the eunuch asked Phillip, “About whom does the prophet say these things, about himself or about someone else.”  It’s interesting, there are…

Isaiah 41

Isaiah 41 by Pastor David Groendyk As you read in yesterday’s devotional, you will notice that this second half of Isaiah reads differently (although, not that differently) than the first half. In terms of historical events that occasion Isaiah’s writing, Judah has undergone exile between chapters 39 and 40. Judah has experienced and is experiencing much of the judgment that Isaiah warned of in the first half of the book, so hope and comfort is…

Isaiah 40

Isaiah 40-66 Devotional (overview) by Pastor Mark Hudson             Since there is a bit of controversy about the second half of Isaiah, I will address that topic in lieu of commenting on the wonderful chapter 40 of Isaiah. Presuppositions.  We bring assumptions to a text we read.  Isaiah is called 1st Isaiah, 2nd Is, and 3rd Is.  You would think that when the New Testament quotes a verse in Isaiah and claims that Isaiah is…

Isaiah 39

Isaiah 39 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence Bowlin            Somehow news of Hezekiah’s healing had spread eastward all the way to Babylon, and the Babylonians saw this as an opportunity.  Merocach-baladan, the king of Babylon, was seeking allies in his fight against the Assyrian Empire, and having an ally with a powerful god behind them was quite appealing to him.  More than likely he also had heard about the strange incident of the 185,000 Assyrians lying…

Isaiah 38

Isaiah 38 by Pastor David Groendyk The narratives found in Isaiah 38–39 can also be found in 2 Kings 20 and 2 Chronicles 32. Within the larger section describing the rise and fall of Judah, we’re getting a vignette of the rise and fall of Jerusalem and Hezekiah. Isaiah is using this vignette of Hezekiah to set up the break between the first half of the book (which points towards exile) and the second half…

Isaiah 37

Isaiah 37 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson                 Finally a chapter that is easy to understand!  The Assyrian royal counselor for military affairs named Rabshakeh is telling the people of Judah that they should just give up because no one can save them from the Assyrians.  Most of the previous chapter is his speech which from any Assyrian’s viewpoint must have been convincing.  Yet, Rabshakeh had no idea who he was talking about.  People my…

Isaiah 36

Isaiah 36 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence                 Chs. 36-37 of Isaiah recount the same events that are recorded in 2 Kings 18 and 19 when the Assyrian king had sought to capture Jerusalem.  This is actually only the third time in the book of Isaiah where we are told the specific time in which one of Isaiah’s prophecies was given.  This prophecy was delivered in the fourteenth year of King Hezekiah which was in the…

Isaiah 35

Isaiah 35 by Pastor David Groendyk This chapter closes a section of Isaiah that is filled with oracles about the rise and fall of Jerusalem. For many chapters, Isaiah has been warning Judah of coming judgment, calling them to repent, and showing them what true redemption and salvation look like. Now, after promising one final time that all of God’s enemies will be everlastingly wiped out in chapter 34, he promises that his people will…

Isaiah 34

Isaiah 34 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson             In chapters 34-35, Isaiah is still focused on who to trust: the nations or God?  In chapters 34-35, the result of that choice will be either a desert (34) or a garden (35).  Once again in this book there is a close relationship with God’s judgment or blessing and the natural world.  We find God’s judgment reflected in a desert in this chapter.  As Oswalt writes, “To…

Isaiah 33

Isaiah 33 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence                 In this chapter Isaiah uses the impending destruction of Assyria as a portent of a greater judgment against the whole world in its opposition to the Lord and his anointed.  In the first six verses, the Lord pronounces his woe upon Assyria the destroyer and betrayer who promised peace if tribute was given them but then reneged on their deal and sought to destroy those who love peace. …

Isaiah 32

Isaiah 32 by Pastor David Groendyk This whole chapter is a description of the coming Messiah and what his reign and rule over his people will look like. In the previous chapter, Isaiah described the downfall of Egypt and Assyria and all other manmade powers and idols. In their place, God’s chosen king will reign. And as Christians living at this point in time, we know that it is Jesus Christ who is the true…

Isaiah 31

Isaiah 31 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson             Isaiah 31 continues the theme of Is 30.  If Judah seeks Egypt’s help it necessarily means rejecting God.  In choosing Egypt she rejects the true for the false.  Isaiah has been hammering this message home: Egypt cannot help you.  If they go to Egypt for help this casts shade on the exodus.  God brought us out of Egypt, Isaiah is saying, and you want to go back? …

Isaiah 30

Isaiah 30 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence            In light of the Assyrian invasions of their neighboring countries, the Jews are sending out emissaries to meet with the Egyptians to ask for their protection, which would involve entering into a covenant with those who were their previous oppressors.  Consequently, God sends Isaiah to rebuke the leaders in Jerusalem for making plans and forming alliances without consulting him or even asking him for guidance.  Instead of trusting…

Isaiah 29

Isaiah 29 by Pastor David Groendyk Our attention has been shifted away from the nations of the world back to the nation of Judah and the capital city of Jerusalem. These next few chapters condemn the country’s leaders and the country itself for turning to non-believing nations for protection and security. The general theme of judgment on Judah for turning away from God which we’ve seen all throughout this book remains constant, but the picture…

Isaiah 28

Isaiah 28 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson In Is 28-33, Isaiah reminds his listeners the folly of trusting in other nations rather than God.  Remember in 722, Assyria removes Israel and then in 701, Sennacherib attacks Jerusalem. In those years in between, Israel seeks help from Egypt (Is 30:3-5).  Isaiah really has one sermon: trust God not the nations.  Isaiah has to keep saying it because Israel and now Judah refuse to listen. Oswalt looks…

Isaiah 27

Isaiah 27 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence  Chapter 27 is the final installment in Isaiah’s ‘little apocalypse’ touching on some of the main themes of God’s judgment at the end times.  In v.1, the prophet uses the mythological language of the sea monster Leviathan to describe the power and authority of the devil.  He describes him as the fleeing serpent before the presence of the Lord, the twisting serpent, showing how he perverts the words of…

Isaiah 26

Isaiah 26 by Pastor David Groendyk Right at the outset, we have that familiar phrase, “In that day”, which signals for us, as Pastor Lawrence mentioned a couple days ago, that Isaiah has in mind the end times as he makes this prophecy. This is a day that all of God’s people have been waiting for, a great day of salvation, when death itself is swallowed up forever (Isa. 25:8–9). Today’s chapter highlights an important…

Isaiah 25

Isaiah 25 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson                 In this section, chapters 24-27, we see God’s triumph over the nations.  In this chapter we see God triumphing over the nations and especially Moab near the end of the chapter.  The chapter can be divided into three promises: vs.1-5 Protection; vs. 6-9 Provision; 10-12 Punishment.  Chapters 24 and 25 are closely related.  Chapter 25 is a response to chapter 24’s announcement of judgment.                 Isaiah has…

Isaiah 24

Isaiah 24 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence            Chapters 24-27 are often referred to as Isaiah’s ‘little apocalypse’ for their distinctly eschatological orientation looking forward to the end times (similar to chs. 65 and 66).  After revealing his burden or oracle concerning God’s judgment upon individual nations in the previous section, these chapters look toward God’s final judgment on earth.  Isaiah begins in v.1 with the word “behold” to transition to this consummate view of the…

Isaiah 23

Isaiah 23 by Pastor David Groendyk Tyre, Sidon, and Tarshish are coastal cities on the Mediterranean Sea, so this chapter has a particularly nautical flavor to it. Through their strategic location on the coast, they could trade with many other nations and peoples, which was their main source of revenue (v. 3). But far beyond being just a source of financial support, these cities had an insatiable lust for material possessions. Tyre especially is singled…