Job 2

Job 2 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence Bowlin If the first chapter challenged all aspects of the wealth side of the health and wealth gospel, today's passage challenges any aspect of the health portion. Satan's argument is that Job still trusts in the Lord because of some benefit he receives from God, and that God himself is not Job's reward. That is the challenge to all of us in the midst of our trials: is God…

Job 1

Job 1  Devotional by Pastor David Groendyk Why do bad things happen to good people? That’s a very personal question that requires some serious theological understanding to answer. The book of Job, in one sense, could be boiled down to that one question. It deals with suffering, temptation, God’s providence, and what it looks like to “fear the Lord” and trust in him through it. All throughout this book, various people ask (and try to…

Romans 15

Romans 15 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence Bowlin When reading warning passages in Scripture against falling away from the living God, many of us are tempted toward mere introspection, which can lead to great discouragement. For if we only consider our sins and failures, then, surely, we will not be able to lift up our heads unto heaven with any confidence. Instead, each morning we should look for our encouragement in the Word of God. In…

Romans 14

Romans 14 by Pastor David Groendyk This chapter is very much similar to the same issue Paul addressed in 1 Corinthians 8–9. There are two groups of people in mind. One is those who are “strong in faith”; the other is those who are “weak in faith”. Those who are weak in faith still held to some of the former Jewish laws that had been abolished, such as certain foods being unclean and certain days…

Romans 13

Romans 13 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson Romans 13 is a relatively easy chapter to understand.  Paul’s writing is clear, concise, and compelling.  There seems to be three distinct sections: 1-7; 8-10;11-14 The first concerns our relationship with governing authorities.  You can imagine how first century believers living around the Mediterranean Sea must have understood this passage.  How could Paul say that about Roman Emperors like Nero?  But how do we read it with our…

Romans 11

Romans 11 by Pastor David Groendyk We’ve learned so far that God is utterly sovereign in salvation (chapter 9) and that Israel did not believe the gospel or have true faith (chapter 10). So what is God doing with Israel exactly? Is he toying with them? The answer is no! As Paul says in verse 28, there is a great purpose for Israel’s apostasy, and God also promises that he still loves them and plans…

Romans 10

Romans 10  Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson           In Romans 10, Paul continues his stress on God’s righteousness reckoned or declared to those who believe in His promises and specifically in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Paul views any attempt to gain, earn, or acquire God’s righteousness by good works as antithetical to the gospel.           God’s righteousness in this sense means a right standing before a holy God; His declaration that we are innocent.  This…

Romans 8

Romans 8 Devotional by Pastor David Groendyk What can we say about Romans 8? This chapter is many Christians’ favorite chapter in all of Scripture. It’s one of the most theologically-rich and pastorally-helpful passages in all of the Bible. How can you summarize everything that it teaches in just one short devotional? The theme(s) that all these glorious truths revolve around are God’s preservation and our perseverance. After two full chapters detailing our struggle against…

Romans 6

Romans 6 Devotional  by Pastor Lawrence Bowlin               What we think of ourselves and how we think about ourselves can make all the difference for our growth in holiness or sanctification in Christ.  If we believe that we are bound to sin and that we cannot overcome it, then we are much more likely to fall into the same sin patterns over and over again.  If, on the other…

Romans 7

Romans 7 by Pastor Lawrence Bowlin This is one of the most debated passages in Paul’s epistle to the Romans, for some say that Paul is speaking of his past as a Jew in regards to his struggle over sin, whereas others believe that Paul is referring to his current experience as a Christian and even an apostle. In the first six verses Paul is still addressing the previous objection to the gospel of grace…

Romans 5

Romans 5 by Pastor David Groendyk ‘Justification’ was the theme of chapter 4; ‘peace’ is the theme of chapter 5. Justification necessarily leads to peace (v. 1). What kind of peace is Paul talking about? One of the first places that might come to mind when thinking about biblical peace is Philippians 4:7: “The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” But Romans 5 peace…

Romans 4

Romans 4 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson After Paul discussed the grace of God in the gospel at the end of chapter 3, he stated that God’s righteousness is apart from the law. Paul even posed the question in 3:31, “Do we then overthrow the law by this faith?” Paul may feel a need to explain how a person is justified. Paul uses Abraham, the great patriarch of Genesis. He is clearly counted as a…

Romans 3

Romans 3 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence Bowlin This chapter is ground zero for understanding the biblical doctrine of justification by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. In the first three chapters the apostle Paul has set out to prove that no one can keep the law of God whether Jew or Gentile, for all have sinned and continually fall short of the glory of God because of their evil deeds. Consequently, in God’s divine court…

Romans 2

Romans 2 by Pastor David Groendyk We’re in the middle of a very long section from Romans 1:18–3:20 that teaches us all about God’s wrath against sin. But while chapter 1 focuses on the sin of the pagan Gentiles who suppress the truth and revelation about God, chapter 2 is very different. Chapter 2 focuses on the sin of the religious Jews. One commentator calls this whole chapter a bucket of cold water for the…

Romans 1

Romans 1 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson             Romans is the longest letter of Paul and Rome is the only city that he wrote to that Paul had not visited.  This is a magnificent letter covering the heart of the gospel and our obligation to God.  We think, as Reformed Protestants, of Luther and Calvin as they taught and preached from this book, but this great letter was not their favorite.  Luther loved Galatians.   “The…

2 Samuel 24

2 Samuel 24 by Pastor Lawrence Bowlin This is one of the more mysterious accounts in the history of David’s kingship. Because Israel had sinned in some way, presumably in a great way, God was angry with them and incited David against them by leading him to conduct a census of all the fighting men in Israel. Strangely, though, in a corresponding account in 1 Chronicles 21:1 we are told that it was Satan who…

2 Samuel 23

2 Samuel 23 by Pastor David Groendyk The famous last words of David share many similar themes to his psalm of the previous chapter, but there is one crucial difference. Whereas chapter 22 was a reflection upon what God had done in the past, the first part of chapter 23 is primarily a prophecy looking forward to the future of God’s kingdom. The first seven verses are a short oracle, but they are packed with…

2 Samuel 22

2 Samuel 22 by Pastor David Groendyk This whole chapter is almost identical to Psalm 18. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it does cause us to ask the question: Why bother put this psalm here? Why not just leave it in the Psalms rather than this historical book? Do we really need it twice? As we’ve seen over the last half of 2 Samuel, David has clearly not lived up fully to the hype…

2 Samuel 21

2 Samuel 21 by Pastor Lawrence Bowlin The events that take place in this chapter likely occurred earlier on in David’s kingship, but the author points them out now to show David’s faithfulness to God in obeying his commands. Unlike King Saul who was afraid of Goliath and stayed away from the battle lines when the giant began taunting the army of Israel, David continually stood up to the giants, not only killing Goliath but…

2 Samuel 20

2 Samuel 20 by Pastor David Groendyk In terms of the big picture, two great truths stand out in this chapter. One, David and his kingdom are preserved by God yet again from another rebellion attempt. But, two, Nathan’s words still ring true: “The sword shall never depart from your house” (2 Sam. 12:10). Although David squashes the rebellion relatively quickly, this whole event doesn’t come without a great cost. It’s really just the same…

2 Samuel 19

II Samuel 19 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson                        Joab begins our story as the active one; David the more passive one.  The people supporting David return to Mahanaim but not in celebration.  Absalom is dead and David is grieving for his son and maybe for the consequences of his own sin.  Joab is right in some ways but wrong in oh, so many ways.  Joab was right in not treating Absalom with kid gloves. …