Psalms 102

Psalm 102by Pastor Lawrence The superscript reveals that this is a prayer of an afflicted man who seems to be afflicted both physically as well as spiritually given the fact that his enemies are taunting him because of the evil that has befallen him. This is one of many individual laments that are recorded for us in the Book of Psalms. There are at least forty of them that follow a similar pattern in which a…

Psalm 101

Psalms 101 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson Kidner prefers this outline 1-4       Truth in the ruler 5-8       Truth in the ranks But the Hebrew Bible (BHS and BHK) prefers 1-5, 6-8.  Some see this Psalm as a complaint keying off the question in verse 2, “Oh when you come to me?”  The setting for this Psalms seems to be related to a king who is setting the agenda for his reign.  This is the…

Psalm 100

Psalm 100 by Pastor Lawrence Although this psalm is anonymous, clearly it was written by an Israelite who loved the Lord with all his heart. What is surprising about a hymn such as this is how he not only calls on his fellow countrymen to worship the Lord, but how his appeal is made to all the inhabitants of the earth. For such a tiny little country of no account in the eyes of the…

Psalm 99

Psalm 99 by Pastor Lawrence This is the sixth offering in what is known as the royal psalms that proclaim God’s rule not only over Israel but all of creation. Like a few other psalms, this one begins by reminding God’s people that “the Lord God reigns,” over every nation and that all the peoples are meant to tremble before the power of this great king. Although it is not clearly seen in every generation…

Psalm 98

Psalm 98 by Pastor David Groendyk My personal philosophy is that it’s never too early to talk about Christmas. Whether it’s putting up the Christmas tree or singing Christmas hymns, I could celebrate the holiday all year round. I’m sure that will stir up some controversy in both the church and the world. Of course, now that it’s December, even the strictest of holiday postponers can’t help but face the facts. Let’s talk about Christmas.…

Psalm 96

Psalm 96 by Pastor Mark Hudson Psalm 96 may be easily divided into 1-6       the King’s glory 7-9       the King’s due 10-13   the King’s coming (Kidner) Marvin E. Tate treats 96-99 as one unit.  Some think these Psalms are ‘enthronement psalms.’  Tate prefers a less specific phrase that seems to be tied to the enthronement of an earthly king, ‘kingship-of-Yahweh psalm’ yet he recognizes the term ‘enthronement psalms’ is not going away. One of the…

Psalm 95

Psalm 95 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence Often used as a call to worship on the Lord’s Day, the first seven verses of this psalm serve as a great exhortation to God’s people in every generation to come into the presence of the Lord with thanksgiving, to sing with great joy unto His name, and to bow and kneel before the Lord with reverence. Although at times we don’t need to be told to sing or…

Psalm 94

Psalm 94 by Pastor Lawrence Bowlin Most of us might begin our prayers by addressing God as the God of grace or the God of comfort, but I imagine many might feel uncomfortable addressing Him as the God of vengeance. Nevertheless it is an appropriate title for the Lord, for He is not only a God who is merciful to repentant sinners but also a God who inflicts punishment upon the obstinate and the wicked.…

Psalm 93

Psalm 93 by Pastor David Groendyk If we boiled down Book IV of the Psalms into one theme, it would be, “The LORD reigns!” In fact, you could make the case that the theme of the entire book of Psalms is that the LORD reigns. But from Psalm 90 to Psalm 106 especially, the consistent refrain is that our God is the creator and ruler of all things. Those who find their refuge in him…

Psalm 91

Psalms 91 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson Psalm 91, a familiar and well-loved Psalm, can be divided into three sections 1-2       My refuge  (I) 3-13     Your refuge (You) 14-16   God’s refuge (divine I) I am gleaning insights from one of the better commentaries on the Psalms written by Derek Kidner.  The author of the Psalm displays a personal connection to the protecting love of God.  He calls God: Most High, the Almighty, Lord, and my…

Psalm 90

Psalm 90 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence The only psalm written by Moses, this is likely the oldest offering in the collection. Written during the time of the Israelites’ wanderings in the desert when they had no homes and were under the judgment of God for their lack of faith and disobedience, Moses pleads for mercy on behalf of his people from the everlasting God. For even though the Israelites were emigrants for many years in…

Numbers 36

Numbers 36 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson This chapter concludes chapter 27 where the daughters of Zelophehad asked Moses for a ruling from the Lord about their situation.  In chapter 27, they appealed to Moses for a ruling on their unique situation.  They wanted the land of their father (“their” inheritance) divided up between them because their father had no sons.  Here in chapter 36, the issue of land and inheritance finds specific application.  You…

Numbers 35

Numbers 35 by Pastor David Groendyk Israel hasn’t even entered Canaan yet, and God is already divvying up the land! What confidence and assurance in God the people of Israel should’ve had in their Lord. The Promised Land was going to be divided up and apportioned to each tribe, except for Levi. Because the tribe of Levi was the priestly tribe, they were not given a full section of land like the rest but rather…

Numbers 34

Numbers 34 by Pastor David Groendyk A list of names and locations—what is there to gain from this chapter? Much indeed! Numbers 34 comes to us nearly at the end of a very long testimony describing how God’s promise to Abraham would be fulfilled. In Genesis 17:8, God said he would give all the land of Canaan to Abraham and his offspring as an everlasting possession. Hundreds of years later, that promise is coming to…

Numbers 33

Numbers 33 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson Chapter 33 is an unusual chapter, yet this chapter reminds us of the various aspects of Moses’ calling.  Moses was a leader, lawgiver, judge, teacher, and an author.  During the time of the Exodus, Moses was constantly writing about the events that were happening.  He was adjudicating cases, responsible for listening to God and obeying His word.  Somehow Moses found time to write about the travels, problems, sins,…

Numbers 32

Numbers 32 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson One could label this chapter: Crisis Averted!  At the end of Numbers, we are  close to seeing Israel enter the promised land.  This will not be a leisurely stroll but hand to hand combat when they enter the land promised to them.  So, they needed every able-bodied man available.  They also needed a unified nation behind a strong leader. It seems like they had able-bodied men, unity, and…

Numbers 31

Numbers 31 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson Let’s begin with the outline that T. Ashley uses “with respect to four aspects of holy war methodology: 1-12                      Battle against the Midianites 13-18                   Inflicting the ban 19-24                   Cleansing the soldiers 25-47                   Dividing the booty 48-54                   Bringing an offering to Yahweh. Who are the Midianites?  Midian was one of the sons of Abraham through his concubine Keturah (Gen…

Numbers 30

Numbers 30 by Pastor David Groendyk Next up as this generation prepares to enter the Promised Land, Moses addresses the topic of vows. This is a topic we probably know a little bit about. A vow is something someone would make in a time of need. It would go along the lines of, “Lord, if you _______, then I will _______.” I’m sure we’ve all filled in those blanks during prayer at some points in…

Numbers 28

Numbers 28 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson If this chapter looks familiar, you have been reading the Bible.  You may find it helpful to understand repetitious sections by asking what is different, why is it placed here, and is anything added or removed when compared to previous sections?  You probably already do that when you read the Bible; especially the Old Testament since we do notice considerable repetition. As one reads the secondary literature, commentaries…

Numbers 27

Numbers 27 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence Although each individual will be held accountable for his own sins, sometimes the sins of the fathers can have deleterious effects on their children. Zelophehad was not one of the followers of Korah and his rebellion, but he was one of the first generation who doubted God’s Word and refused to go into the land of Canaan and fight. When he died sonless, he left his five daughters without…

Numbers 26

Numbers 26 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence As long and unexciting as this chapter may seem to be, it is a very pivotal one in the overall framework of the book, for it is showing the Lord’s unchanging purpose in leading His people into the Promised Land. After all the grumbling and complaining, and all the rebellion and challenges to authority, and all the dead bodies lying in the desert, the Lord would keep his promise…