Psalm 112
Psalm 112 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence This is clearly a type of wisdom psalm similar to Psalm 1 wherein the author compares the blessed man to that of the wicked man, commending the fear of the Lord to his hearers as well as the joy of living under God’s righteous commandments. Although it begins with a brief note of praise, exhorting the congregation to “praise the Lord,” the meditation found in this psalm is not…
Psalm 111
Psalm 111 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson Praise begins and ends this short Psalm. This and Ps 112 is an acrostic which may have made it easier to memorize, use in liturgy, and aid in hearing the Psalm read or sung. Every verse contains the first letter of the alphabet at the beginning of each phrase. So, each verse has 2 or 3 letters of the alphabet. As in Psalm 112, the entire alphabet is…
Psalm 110
Psalm 110 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence Although it is not as beloved or well known to many Christians today as Psalm 23 or Psalm 139 are, Psalm 110 is by far the most important psalm in all the psalter, for it is quoted eight times and alluded to even more throughout the New Testament (see Matthew 22:44; 26:64; Mark 12:36, 14:62; 16:19, Luke 20:41–44, 22:69; Acts 2:34-36; 1 Corinthians 15:25, Ephesians 1:20; Colossians 3:1; Hebrews…
Psalm 109
Psalm 109 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson This Psalm may not rest easy on our ears. The Psalmist sounds vindictive and should we say, “unchristian” in this Psalm. I am writing this the week of March 6, 2022. Vladimir Putin cruelly and ruthlessly invaded Ukraine February 24, 2022, and has continually attacked civilians. Or should I say, Russia invaded Ukraine 2014? Or should I say in the 1930’s in the Soviet backed Holodomor or…
Psalm 108
Psalm 108 by Pastor David Groendyk The lowest of low points in the Psalms is at the end of Psalm 88 where the psalmist says, “Darkness has become my only companion” (v. 18). From chapter 88 until chapter 150, though, the trajectory of the psalms only goes up. The repeated refrain in Book Four (chs. 90–106) is, “The Lord reigns!” The repeated refrain in Book Five (chs. 107–150) is, “Praise the Lord!” That, in and…
Psalm 107
Psalm 107 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence This psalm is the opener to book five, which is the last of the major sections in the Psalter. It picks up on the same themes as Psalms 105 and 106 in book four, which also made this same exhortation: “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” But in this psalm the author provides a number of various scenarios in which one ought…
Deuteronomy 34
Deuteronomy 34 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson There are times when I am reading the Bible that I would love to be right beside the main character and able to speak his/her language. This would be one of those moments. Moses, the greatest of all Old Testament prophets, dominates the first five books of the Old Testament. He lived his life in three different 40 years periods. The first 40 in Pharaoh’s home. The…
Deuteronomy 33
Deuteronomy 33 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence After teaching Israel that very solemn hymn in the previous chapter reminding them of all that the Lord has done for them and how they would soon turn their backs on him through idolatry, he now seeks to pronounce a blessing upon each of the tribes of Israel in a manner very similar to Jacob’s own blessings upon each of his sons in Genesis 49. Moses prefaces these gracious…
Deuteronomy 32
Deuteronomy 32 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson We come to the song that Moses wants to teach the nation of Israel. This is not a catchy tune or something you would sing as a congregation to open the service to pep things up. Well, you could sing this song if you could remove vs. 5-6, 15-30, 39-42. But you wouldn’t have much of a chapter left. In other words, this is Biblical truth, hard-hitting,…
Deuteronomy 31
Deuteronomy 31 by Pastor David Groendyk Moses’ death is approaching, and this is the cloud that looms over the rest of the book of Deuteronomy. To be sure, it had been known for a long time that Moses himself would not enter Canaan (Num. 20:12), but the day has finally come to make provisions for the people to go on without him. In verses 1–13, the repeated message is to be strong and courageous, not…
Deuteronomy 30
Deuteronomy 30 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence As we will see later on in the Song of Moses in Dt. 32, the assumption is that Israel will break their covenant with the Lord, will disobey God’s commands, and will turn towards idolatry. So even though the Law of God promises blessings for obedience, it actually assures its hearers of their disobedience. This very truth alongside of the entire sacrificial system instituted at the first giving of…
Deuteronomy 29
Deuteronomy 29 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson This is not a new covenant, but a renewal of the covenant God made to form this people. As they begin the conquest, they are on the cusp of what God had promised. This is the land God is giving them. So, this book is a review of God’s gracious and mighty acts on their behalf. For all those 20 years and older, they had died as…
Deuteronomy 28
Deuteronomy 28 Devotional by Pastor Bowlin You may have noticed that this is quite a lengthy chapter; in fact, it is the third longest chapter in the Bible, according to word count, after Psalm 119 and 1 Kings 8. It also the second time in the Pentateuch where a long list of blesses and curses are promised to those who either keep or reject God’s law. The first list is found in Leviticus 26. Of…
Deuteronomy 27
Deuteronomy 27 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson McConville in his commentary on Deuteronomy looks at previous chapters for the context of this chapter. 11:26-28 Blessings and curses pronounced in Moab 11:29-31 Ceremony of blessing and curse on Gerizim and Ebal 11:32 Call to obey commands 26:16-19 Call to obey commands Ch. 27 Ceremony of blessing and curse on Gerizim and Ebal Ch. 28 Blessing and curse pronounced in Moab “This structure has the effect of…
Deuteronomy 26
Deuteronomy 26 by Pastor David Groendyk In a sense, these very last laws in the book of Deuteronomy are a fitting conclusion to this whole section that’s run from chapters 5–26. We might say that these laws about tithes and offerings are an explication of the tenth commandment: “And you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife. And you shall not desire your neighbor’s house, his field, or his male servant, or his female servant,…
Deuteronomy 25
Deuteronomy 25 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence Although, on the surface, God’s law may seem to be merely a list of do’s and don’ts, it is essentially a very practical treatise on love. In this particular chapter Israel is taught how to show love even to criminals, violent enemies and even beasts of burden in addition to the widows of deceased relatives and those with whom one might do regular business. In the first section dealing…
Deuteronomy 24
Deuteronomy 24 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson This first section, vs. 1-4, is not about divorce and remarriage per se, but about a specific circumstance that either came up or was anticipated. Reflect that already divorce and remarriage was a topic of legislation and part of life before they set foot in Canaan. Here the topic is one specific aspect of what could happen. What is prohibited is, after a man divorces his wife…
Deuteronomy 23
Deuteronomy 23 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence This is not one of those chapters that most Christians turn to for their devotional readings; nevertheless, it is the very Word of God, and like all Scripture it is profitable for us today. There are three main sections in the chapter: the first deals with those who may not enter the assembly of the Lord, the second discusses a couple of rules for soldiers while encamped in battle,…
Deuteronomy 22
Deuteronomy 22 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson We come to another section of the Bible that will be difficult to understand why certain things are prohibited. So, where we find sections that are not clear why God prohibits certain practices, we should proceed with a measure of caution and humility. These verses are hard to understand and therefore difficult to apply. Here are some of the ways you will hear them explained. 1) Loan word. …
Deuteronomy 21
Deuteronomy 21 by Pastor David Groendyk This chapter continues to elaborate on the sixth commandment (“You shall not murder”) with some laws that transition us into the seventh commandment (“You shall not commit adultery”). One of the themes in these laws is the emphasis on kindness and mercy, especially in verses 10–17. Even in the midst of great evils like war and polygamy (remember from Deut. 20:10–11 that war was to be avoided, if at…
Deuteronomy 19
Deuteronomy 19 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson Justice is a major theme in the Bible. Justice could be a one word description for this chapter. God is a God of Justice. Psalm 37:28 says, “The Lord loves justice.” Ps. 89:14, “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne.” Ps. 103:6 proclaims, “The Lord works righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed.” And we are to be just. “You shall not pervert justice…
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