2 Chronicles 19

2 Chronicles 19 by Pastor Mark Hudson The account of King Jehoshaphat (God rules or judges) covers chapters 17-21:1.  His life is a good reflection of his father King Asa. Asa loved God yet, as we read, stumbled rather seriously in his alliance with Syria and his shameful treatment of his prophet and those who supported him. We also discover an anomaly in his son in chapter 18 and 20.  Jehoshaphat twice forms an alliance…

2 Chronicles 18

2 Chronicles 18 by Pastor David Groendyk This account of King Jehoshaphat going to war alongside of King Ahab is largely unchanged from the account found in 1 Kings 22. However, whereas Ahab was the main focus in Kings, Jehoshaphat is the main focus in Chronicles. King Jehoshaphat on the whole is evaluated as a good king of Judah who led the people to the Lord rather than away from the Lord, but the prophet…

2 Chronicles 17

2 Chronicles 17 Devotional By Pastor Lawrence Similar to his father Asa, Jehoshaphat had a very strong beginning as king over Judah. He walked in the commandments of God and in the ways of King David shunning any aspect of Baal worship. And for this, the chronicler says in v.6 that “his heart was courageous in the ways of the Lord.” But why would it take courage to walk in God’s ways as a king?…

2 Chronicles 16

2 Chronicles 16 by Pastor Mark Hudson Not everyone finishes well.  A lot of people start things, but finishing well, let alone finishing, is a different story.  Asa is still considered a good king, but he did not continue the way he started.  While Asa’s trouble starts with provocation from Israel’s king Baasha, Asa’s response was not good.  Clearly, this blockade at Ramah would prove harmful to Judah had Asa let it stand.  But this…

2 Chronicles 15

2 Chronicles 15 Devotional By Pastor Lawrence “If you seek the Lord, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will forsake you,” said the prophet Azariah to King Asa. These are words that ring true for believers in every generation. Of course, we know that God will never ultimately forsake his elect people, for he will continue to soften their hearts that they might respond to God’s corrections by faith.…

2 Chronicles 14

2 Chronicles 14 by Pastor Mark Hudson Asa, son of Abijah, follows in the footsteps of his father.  Asa “did what was good and right in the eyes of the Lord his God” in v. 2.  Asa, unlike his father, enjoyed peace following his father’s rout of the northern tribe called Israel.  His 10 years of peace allowed Asa to busy himself with other projects.  He took away the foreign altars and the high places…

2 Chronicles 12

2 Chronicles 12  by Pastor David Groendyk Rehoboam is a tragic figure in Judah’s history. What we mainly remember him for is his foolish decision to oppress the people of Israel more than his father Solomon did, in accord with the advice of his younger counselors rather than the older, wiser counselors (2 Chronicles 10). However, today’s chapter is another tragedy in and of itself. First Kings 14:25–28 also records the events of this chapter,…

2 Chronicles 11

2 Chronicles 11 by Pastor Mark Hudson In chapter 11, the narrative provides little in terms of hope for a better future.  The last verse of chapter 10 sadly concludes with “So Israel has been in rebellion against the house of David to this day.”  So, both Israel and Judah go to their separate corners and act like brothers, well brother-enemies.  So, Rehoboam, fearing for his life in 10:18, now fortifies his defenses.  He assembles…

2 Chronicles 8

2 Chronicles 8 by Pastor David Groendyk Obedient trust leads to blessing. That is one of the big themes of this chapter. In the ESV Bible, this chapter is entitled “Solomon’s Accomplishments,” but it could also be entitled “God’s Blessings” or “God Fulfills His Promises.” Broadly speaking, what we have here is Solomon finishing the work of God that was assigned to him and then having his dominion extended and kingdom blessed. City names and…

2 Chronicles 6

II Chronicles 6 by Pastor Mark Hudson II Chronicles 6 The ark is now at the temple so the in chapter 6, we read Solomon’s speech in vs. 1-11 and in 6:12-7:3 is Solomon’s prayer.  Looking at his speech, Solomon thinks of the temple as a place where God will dwell forever.  This is no small event in the life of Israel.  If you read through David’s life quickly just reading for the parts you…

2 Chronicles 4

II Chronicles 4 by Pastor Mark Hudson Solomon’s skilled craftsmen fashioned beautiful objects for worship.  I find it fascinating that we find a concern for beauty not mere pragmatic concerns.  In verse 3, figures of gourds are utilized which rested on 12 oxen. There is so much to contemplate.  Does God find delight in animals like oxen that He created.  Does God consider a gourd worthy to decorate an object that holds water for worship? …

2 Chronicles 3

2 Chronicles 3 by Pastor David Groendyk After much preparation, the temple is starting to be built. One fascinating detail about the temple is its location. The place in Jerusalem where the temple was being built was the same location as where Abraham nearly sacrificed his son Isaac and where the Lord graciously provided a ram in Isaac’s place (Genesis 22). It is also the same location as where the Lord was doling out justice…

2 Chronicles 2

2 Chronicles 2 Devotional By Pastor Lawrence Because King David was a man of war, the privilege of building God’s temple in Jerusalem fell to Solomon, the king of peace, and his desire was to build a great and wonderful house for the name of the Lord. Of course, this was not considered to be a place that could actually contain God or confine him in some way on earth since he is infinite and…

2 Chronicles 1

II Chronicles 1 by Pastor Mark Hudson There are so many people in the Bible that are hard to understand. Literary experts call these round characters. The easy to understand characters are flat. Some people that I know in real life are round characters; I don’t understand them. What I also find difficult to understand is the relationship God has with some characters in the Bible. Don’t ask me to give a detailed, Biblically accurate…

Acts 27

Acts 27 by Pastor Mark Hudson Finally, Paul is on his way to Rome.  As a Roman citizen, Paul had probably always wanted to visit Rome, but hardly in this way.  Rome gave to the world a great gift: democracy.  So much of what we value in the United States as well as many other countries of the world had its origin in the Roman government.  We have read of the value of Roman citizenship…

Acts 26

Acts 26 by Pastor David Groendyk Paul’s trek to Rome continues. So far he’s been brought before the Jewish Sanhedrin, two successive governors of Judea and Samaria (Felix and Festus), and now he is in front of King Agrippa. He’s slowly working his way up the ladder until he gets to Rome and appears before the Caesar (see Acts 9:15–16). Paul’s argument and defense before King Agrippa is a great evangelistic message. Essentially he proclaims…

Acts 25

Acts 25 Devotional By Pastor Lawrence When Jesus first sent the twelve disciples out to proclaim the coming of the kingdom, he explicitly told them not to go to the Gentiles but only among the lost sheep of Israel. But eventually, he said, they would all be dragged before governors and kings persecuted for his sake in order to bear witness before them and before the Gentiles. Here, in this chapter alone, the apostle Paul…

Acts 24

Acts 24 by Pastor Mark Hudson Our Lord Jesus told Paul, through Ananias, that Paul “is a chosen instrument of mine to carry my name before the Gentiles and kings . . . .” We are reading the fulfillment of that prophecy.  Paul speaks before Jewish leaders and Gentiles alike.  In chapter 24, he is speaking before Felix, whose full name was Antonius Felix.  He accepted bribes, put rebellions down with vicious response and robbed…

Acts 23

Acts 23 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence When Jesus sent out the disciples two by two into the towns and villages throughout Israel to preach that the kingdom of heaven was near, he told them: “Be on your guard against men; they will hand you over to the local councils and flog you in their synagogues. On my account you will be brought before governors and kings as witnesses to them and to the Gentiles. But…

Acts 22

Acts 22 by Pastor Mark Hudson Chapter 22 continues the event recorded in the previous chapter.  Luke spends a large amount of narrative space contrasting the Jewish proceedings and the Roman proceeding.  The advice the Jerusalem church gave to Paul in 21:23 put in motion events that continue to the end of this book.  We will explore this verse in a few paragraphs. In this chapter, Paul is addressing his Jewish brothers.  In 21:30ff, the…

Acts 21

Acts 21 by Pastor David Groendyk Chapter 21 picks up where chapter 20 left off. Paul is leaving the Ephesian elders and setting sail for Jerusalem, continuing his farewell tour. There are many tears and hugs and prayers, but one of the more confusing parts of Acts 21 is verse 4 where it says that the disciples “through the Spirit…were telling Paul not to go to Jerusalem.” Wasn’t this the exact opposite of what the…