Hosea 2

Hosea 2 Prayer Points God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, have mercy upon Israel, for she has forgotten the Lord her God. So, give her faith in the Lord Jesus…

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Hosea 1

Hosea 1 Prayer Points Lord God of Israel, we do not arrogantly condemn the Israelites for their spiritual whoredom and unbelief, for we are just as prone to sin as…

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Zechariah 13

Zechariah 13 Prayer Points Lord God, we call upon your name believing that you hear our prayers. For on the day you struck the shepherd, you opened a fountain for…

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Zechariah 12

Zechariah 12 Prayer Points O Lord, who stretched out the heavens and founded the earth and formed the spirit of man within him, hallowed be your name. Let your kingdom…

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Zechariah 11

Zechariah 11 Prayer Points Prayer for Pastors/Elders Father, we pray for our shepherds who are charged with tending their flocks, keeping watch over the souls of your people, and who…

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Zechariah 9

Zechariah 9 Prayer Points We rejoice, O Lord, that you keep your watchful eye upon the wicked, that though they seem wise and powerful in their own sight, heaping up…

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Zechariah 8

Zechariah 8 Prayer Points Prayer of Sanctification O Lord, you are a jealous God. Like a bridegroom jealous over his bride, so you are jealous over your people. For you…

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Zechariah 7

Zechariah 7 Prayer Points Prayer of Confession Lord God, we are challenged in this chapter to examine the true motivation of our hearts in serving you, and we confess that…

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