Zechariah 1
Zechariah 1 Prayer Points Prayer of Confession Lord of hosts, as you have purposed to deal with us for our sins, so may you deal with us. For we do…
Zechariah 1 Prayer Points Prayer of Confession Lord of hosts, as you have purposed to deal with us for our sins, so may you deal with us. For we do…
Ephesians 6 Prayer Points Prayers for Children and Parents: -We pray for the children in our congregation this morning that they all would desire to obey their parents in the…
Ephesians 5 Prayer Points O Lord, our Redeemer, you have saved us according to your great mercy and called us to a holy calling that we might walk in the…
Ephesians 3 Prayer Points Our Father, let your glory be over all the earth. Let your glory be in your church and in Christ Jesus in this generation, and in…
Ephesians 2 Prayer Points O God of our salvation, we give you much praise and thanksgiving for your great mercy and love. For we were dead in our sins and…
Ephesians 1 Prayer Points Our Father, we bless your holy name, for you have blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms. You have chosen us…
Psalm 106 Prayer Points O Lord God we praise your name for you are good and your steadfast love endures forever. Who can utter the mighty deeds of the Lord,…
Psalm 105 Prayer Points We give you thanks, O Lord, that we can call upon your name as those chosen and beloved in Christ to seek your strength and your…
Psalm 103 Prayer Points O Lord, with all that is within me, I bless your holy name, and with my whole soul I give you thanks for all your benefits.…
Psalm 102 Prayer Points Hear our prayers, O Lord. Incline your ear to us and grant us our petitions for the sake of your Son Jesus. Do not hide yourself…