Joel 1

Joel 1 Prayer Points: Prayer of Adoration: O God Most High, possessor of heaven and earth, in six days you made the earth and the sea and all that is…

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Matthew 28

Matthew 28 Prayer Points: Prayer of Adoration: Our Father, we praise you that it was according to your definite plan and foreknowledge that your son Jesus was crucified and killed…

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Matthew 26

Matthew 26 Prayer Points Pastor Lawrence Bowlin Prayer of Adoration: Our Father, this is eternal life, that we might know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you…

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Matthew 25

Matthew 25 Prayer Points Pastor Lawrence Bowlin Prayer of Adoration: O Lord God, you are a good and loving master entrusting your servants with many talents to serve in your…

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Matthew 24

Matthew 24 Pastor Lawrence Prayer of Adoration: Our Father, you are the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. You alone are God, and there is none like…

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Matthew 23

Matthew 23 Pastor Lawrence Prayer of Confession: Our father, we so quickly condemn the Pharisees for their sins not recognizing the same spirit that resides within us, for we too…

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Matthew 22

Matthew 22 Pastor Lawrence Prayer of Adoration/Thanksgiving: Our Father, we praise your name, for you are the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. You…

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Matthew 21

Matthew 21 Pastor Lawrence Prayer of Adoration: Our Father, out of the mouth of infants and nursing babies you have prepared praise. O Lord, open our lips, and our mouths…

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Matthew 20

Matthew 20 Pastor Lawrence Prayer of Praise/Thanksgiving: Our Father, we praise you for your great power and authority. You are the owner of the vineyard in which we work. You…

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Matthew 19

Matthew 19 Pastor Lawrence Prayer of Thanksgiving: Father, we thank you for the institution of marriage and how it points us to the love of Christ for his church. We…

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