Jeremiah 1

Jeremiah 1 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence Bowlin The book of Jeremiah is categorized as one of the Major Prophetical books due to its great length spanning fifty-two chapters.  Jeremiah, the…

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Ephesians 6

Ephesians 6 by Pastor David Groendyk As Paul has been teaching on how the Christian ought to live, he is clearly very concerned with the way people interact with one…

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Ephesians 5

Ephesians 5 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson In verses 8-14, you do not have to be a Biblical scholar to see the words light and darkness over and over again.…

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Ephesians 4

Ephesians 4 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence If you remember, in the first chapter of Ephesians Paul doesn’t really tell us to do anything other than to listen and to believe. …

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Ephesians 3

Ephesians 3 by Pastor David Groendyk Because Christ Jesus has brought about forgiveness and reconciliation between man and God and between Jew and Gentile (2:13–16), and because Paul wants the…

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Ephesians 2

Ephesians 2 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson The New Testament teaches a decidedly Godward worldview that unifies all people through the person of Christ.  This worldview will never be realized…

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Ephesians 1

Ephesians 1 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence The first chapter of Paul’s epistle to the Ephesians can easily be broken up into three sections: Paul’s introduction and greetings, his praise to…

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Joel 3

Joel 3 by Pastor David Groendyk If you’re a baseball fan, you might know the name Karim Garcia. He spent 10 years playing professional ball in America. He wasn’t a…

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Joel 2

Joel 2 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson As we read in Joel 1, locusts have invaded the land. Since we do not see locust swarms here, I embedded a link…

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Joel 1

Joel 1 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence Bowlin The book of Joel begins with deep lamentation by the people of God due to a plague of locusts that has invaded the…

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