Jeremiah 22

Jeremiah 22 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence A little history lesson is needed to understand the names of the kings who are mentioned in our chapter this morning.  After the death…

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Jeremiah 21

Jeremiah 21 by Pastor David Groendyk My ESV Study Bible gives me a header for these next nine chapters (Jeremiah 21–29): “Jeremiah’s Confrontations”. In these chapters, Jeremiah will go on…

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Jeremiah 20

Jeremiah 20 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson Chapters 18 and 19 are rather brutal.  The tensions are rising as Jeremiah continues to be faithful to God’s Word.  We must keep…

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Jeremiah 19

Jeremiah 19 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence Before leaving the potter’s house, after watching him remold and shape his clay, the prophet Jeremiah is directed by the Lord to buy a…

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Jeremiah 18

Jeremiah 18 by David Groendyk The object lesson in the first part of our chapter today (vv. 1–11) illustrates one of the hardest teachings in Scripture: that God is the…

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Jeremiah 17

Jeremiah 17 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson God enters into a covenant relationship with His people.  For some theologians, this is such a central theme,; they call their theology covenant…

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Jeremiah 16

Jeremiah 16 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence This prophecy was mostly likely given near the end of King Jehoiakim’s reign close to the time of the actual invasion by the Babylonians. …

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Jeremiah 15

Jeremiah 15 by David Groendyk Judah has passed the point of no return (v. 1). They have so forsaken God that there’s no hope of God relenting from his punishment.…

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Jeremiah 14

Jeremiah 14 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson I have often wondered why Christians have not been more vocal in their support of all things relating to nature.  We believe God…

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Jeremiah 13

Jeremiah 13 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence     In our text this morning, Jeremiah performs some of the first sign acts in his lengthy ministry.  A sign act is a tool that…

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