Jeremiah 18

Jeremiah 18 by David Groendyk The object lesson in the first part of our chapter today (vv. 1–11) illustrates one of the hardest teachings in Scripture: that God is the…

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Jeremiah 17

Jeremiah 17 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson God enters into a covenant relationship with His people.  For some theologians, this is such a central theme,; they call their theology covenant…

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Jeremiah 16

Jeremiah 16 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence This prophecy was mostly likely given near the end of King Jehoiakim’s reign close to the time of the actual invasion by the Babylonians. …

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Jeremiah 15

Jeremiah 15 by David Groendyk Judah has passed the point of no return (v. 1). They have so forsaken God that there’s no hope of God relenting from his punishment.…

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Jeremiah 14

Jeremiah 14 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson I have often wondered why Christians have not been more vocal in their support of all things relating to nature.  We believe God…

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Jeremiah 13

Jeremiah 13 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence     In our text this morning, Jeremiah performs some of the first sign acts in his lengthy ministry.  A sign act is a tool that…

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Jeremiah 12

Jeremiah 12 by Pastor David Groendyk  The complaint that Jeremiah raises here is surely a familiar one: “Why does the way of the wicked prosper?” Jeremiah has just learned of…

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Jeremiah 11

Jeremiah 11 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson You don’t have to read Hebrew to see the repeated words in 11:1-10.  We keep reading hear, obey, listen, and incline your ear. …

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Jeremiah 10

Jeremiah 10 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence Every now and then the Old Testament prophets seek to unveil the mystery and moronic nature of idolatry in Gentile culture.  From the very…

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Jeremiah 8

Jeremiah 8 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson              There are some popular verses in this chapter.  But before I point those out, these verses remind me of an advantage Bible…

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