Exodus 16

Exodus 16 by Pastor David Groendyk The end of chapter 15 is baffling and disappointing, but it’s not uncommon. How often do we forget about Christ’s salvation and do something…

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Exodus 15

Exodus 15 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence Although Marah sounds prettier in the English tongue than does Mathoq, no self-respecting Jewish parent would name their daughter the former since it connotes…

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Exodus 14

Exodus 14 by Pastor David Groendyk Many critical scholars have tried to disprove the historicity of the crossing of the Red Sea, claiming that we’ve never managed to find any…

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Exodus 13

Exodus 13 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence To consecrate a person, place or thing is to declare it to be sacred, to set it apart from ordinary use and to dedicate…

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Exodus 12

Exodus 12 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson I would like to point out the truth behind Exodus chapter 12.  One might use the word presuppositions if you like longer words. …

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Exodus 11

Exodus 11 Devotional by Pastor David Groendyk Although Pharaoh has sworn that the next time he sees Moses he’ll kill him at the end of chapter 10, we see Moses…

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Exodus 10

Exodus 10 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence In the first exchange between Moses and Pharaoh in this chapter, Pharaoh is finally amenable to allowing the men of Israel to leave Egypt…

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Exodus 9

Exodus  9 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson The narrative regarding the plagues is fascinating as God confronts the idolatry of the Egyptians. God is having his way with Pharaoh.  God…

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Exodus 8

Exodus 8 Devotional by Pastor David Groendyk Creation itself is being used by God to show Pharaoh and Egypt the supreme power and authority of Yahweh over everything. Today’s chapter…

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Exodus 7

Exodus 7 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence   What takes place in this particular chapter has caused much consternation throughout the years for many believers as well as unbelievers, for this is…

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