Mark 1

Mark 1 Devotion by Pastor Mark Hudson           First, although Mark is never named in this gospel, the name for this gospel in Greek is The gospel according to Mark. …

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Psalm 72

Psalm 72 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence            This is the final prayer-song of David in Book II of the Psalms.  It appears to be a prayer for his royal…

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Psalm 71

Psalm 71 by Pastor David Groendyk We find in this psalm a plea from the psalmist for God to be their God throughout their whole life. The author is clearly…

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Psalm 70

Psalms 70 Devotions by Pastor Mark Hudson                     If this Psalm looks familiar, your may be harkening back to Ps 40:13-17.  There is considerable question about which came first. …

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Psalm 69

Psalm 69 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence            This psalm doesn’t fit neatly into any one category.  It is a psalm of lament, a psalm of deliverance, a psalm of praise,…

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Psalm 68

Psalm 68 by Pastor David Groendyk   One of the traditions among professional sports leagues around America is that, when a team wins a national championship, they have a victory…

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Psalm 67

Psalms 67 Devotions by Pastor Mark Hudson           This is a passage that is easy to understand and yet easy to overlook.  This Psalm is fairly easy to see an…

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Psalm 66

Psalm 66 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence   This is clearly and evangelistic psalm.  Notice how the psalmist is continually addressing “all the earth” and “the peoples” or nations.  He is…

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Psalm 65

Psalm 65 by Pastor David Groendyk   This psalm is a psalm of thanksgiving, and an appropriate one for this Thanksgiving weekend. It neatly breaks down into three sections, each…

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Psalm 64

Psalms 64 Devotions by Pastor Mark Hudson As even a casual reader of this Psalms will notice, the subject matter changes in v. 7 from describing the evil in 1-6…

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