1 Corinthians 5

I Corinthians 5 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson In Anthony Thiselton’s massive commentary on I Corinthians, Thiselton makes an interesting observation about these first few chapters of I Corinthians that…

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1 Corinthians 1

 1 Corinthians 1 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence The apostle Paul first visited the City of Corinth on his Second Missionary journey.  After he was persecuted in Macedonia and discounted in…

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1 Samuel 31

1 Samuel 31 by Pastor David Groendyk The build-up for this Philistine war has gone on for three chapters, and now the action finally swings back to Saul to tell…

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1 Samuel 30

I Samuel 30 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson                        David and his men return to find their “hometown” burned and everyone gone.  Everyone gone.  We are told they killed no…

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1 Samuel 29

1 Samuel 29 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence            To escape the wrath of King Saul, David had left the land of Israel and settled among the Philistines for over a…

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