1 Samuel 12

I Samuel 12 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson             Samuel’s farewell address is deeply personal and theological.  He begins in vs. 1-5 declaring his innocence before all Israel and asking…

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1 Samuel 11

1 Samuel 11 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence            Oh, what could have been! Reading this short snippet at the beginning of Saul’s tenure as king, we are inspired by his…

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1 Samuel 10

1 Samuel 10 by Pastor David Groendyk This chapter is the fulfillment of God’s revelation to Samuel in 9:16—Saul is anointed and elected king over Israel. Saul is a perplexing…

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1 Samuel 9

I Samuel 9 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson             In I Samuel, we can divide the book into these three subjects: Samuel chapters 1-8 Saul      chapters 9-15 David   chapters 16-31…

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1 Samuel 8

1 Samuel 8 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence             After God’s judgment came down upon the house of Eli, there is great hope for the young man Samuel whom God raises…

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1 Samuel 7

1 Samuel 7 Devotional by Pastor David Groendyk The ark of the covenant, originally stolen while in battle with the Philistines, has finally finished its circuitous journey and been returned…

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1 Samuel 6

I Samuel 6 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson             In I Samuel, we can divide the book into these three subjects: Samuel chapters 1-8 Saul      chapters 9-15 David   chapters 16-31…

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1 Samuel 5

1 Samuel 5 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence            It almost seems risky for the Lord to discipline his people by allowing their enemies to overcome them in battle, for those…

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1 Samuel 4

1 Samuel 4 Pastor David Groendyk This chapter is a low-point in the first section of 1 Samuel which focuses on Samuel as a prophet, priest, and judge. So far…

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1 Samuel 3

I Samuel 3 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson             We could label this chapter the calling of Samuel since the word call appears 11 times in this chapter.  As exciting…

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