1 Samuel 22

1 Samuel 22 by Pastor David Groendyk Certainly it’s been easy to see how Saul and David are two very different men in this book, and their differences are on…

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1 Samuel 21

I Samuel 21 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson                        This chapter belongs with the next chapter, but we will try to stay on chapter 21.  Jonathan and the readers know…

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1 Samuel 20

1 Samuel 20 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence             As God had promised back in the Garden of Eden, the seed of the serpent would continue to strike at the heel…

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1 Samuel 19

1 Samuel 19 by Pastor David Groendyk To say nothing else of this chapter, it’s an awkward position that Saul is putting his children in. Both Jonathan and Michal have…

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1 Samuel 18

I Samuel 18 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson             Coming off the victory over Goliath, we see two different reactions from the same family.  In 18:1-5, Jonathan loves David and…

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1 Samuel 16

1 Samuel 16 by Pastor David Groendyk Today’s chapter marks a turning point in the book of 1 Samuel. From this point forward, the focus is upon David and his…

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1 Samuel 15

I Samuel 15 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson             In chapter 15, we have a clear command to Saul and the reasons given.  This age-old hostility will be dealt with…

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1Samuel 14

1 Sam 14 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence             The contrast between King Saul and his son Jonathan is one of the primary themes in this chapter along with Saul’s continual…

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Romans 4

Romans 4 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson             After Paul discussed the grace of God in the gospel at the end of chapter 3,  he stated that God’s righteousness is…

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1 Samuel 13

1 Samuel 13 by Pastor David Groendyk The people of Israel have finally recognized their foolishness in desiring a king for themselves (12:19), and it’s not long before the damning…

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