Philippians 1

Philippians 1 by Pastor David Groendyk The letter from Paul to the church in Philippi was written during the first of Paul’s imprisonments in Rome sometime around 61 AD. You…

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Job 41

Job 41 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence The Behemoth, a land monster mentioned in the previous chapter, ought to be considered together with the Leviathan, the great and fearsome monster of…

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Job 40

Job 40 Devotional by Pastor David Groendyk God ends his first speech where he began: telling Job to give him an answer. Job’s response in verses 3–5 is prescriptive for…

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Job 39

Job 39 Devotional by Pastor David Groendyk God continues his speech to Job. Whereas the first half of God’s speech emphasized God’s power in creating the entire universe, from the…

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Job 37

Job 37 by Pastor David Groendyk Elihu concludes his speech to Job in this chapter. The majority of this chapter describes God’s power and control over nature and the weather.…

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Job 36

Job 36 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence Which is better in your mind, to sin just a little or to be greatly afflicted? The Puritan Jeremiah Burroughs would state emphatically that…

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Job 35

Job 35 Devotionalby Pastor LawrenceIs it truly profitable to serve the Lord? What do we really get if we obey Him? There is nothing wrong with asking such questions. After…

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Job 31

Job 31 by Pastor David Groendyk Here is Job’s final monologue in the book. He will speak again later, but only very briefly. These are his final words in an…

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Job 30

Job 30 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence In comparison with his sweet reminiscences of the past and his earnest longing for restoration in the future presented in the previous chapter, Job…

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Job 29

Job 29 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence Most of us can relate to Job in terms of our disappointment with some aspect of life in fallen world. We also know what…

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