Numbers 31

Numbers 31 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson Let’s begin with the outline that T. Ashley uses “with respect to four aspects of holy war methodology: 1-12         …

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Numbers 30

Numbers 30 by Pastor David Groendyk Next up as this generation prepares to enter the Promised Land, Moses addresses the topic of vows. This is a topic we probably know…

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Numbers 28

Numbers 28 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson If this chapter looks familiar, you have been reading the Bible.  You may find it helpful to understand repetitious sections by asking what…

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Numbers 27

Numbers 27 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence Although each individual will be held accountable for his own sins, sometimes the sins of the fathers can have deleterious effects on their children.…

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Numbers 26

Numbers 26 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence As long and unexciting as this chapter may seem to be, it is a very pivotal one in the overall framework of the book,…

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Numbers 25

Numbers 25 by Pastor David Groendyk Balaam finishes his final oracle regarding the star to come from Jacob, the scepter to rise from Israel, Jesus Christ, who would crush the…

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Numbers 24

Numbers 24 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence As the apostle Paul would say later on in Romans 8:38-39 that there are no angels nor rulers, nor powers in the heights or…

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Numbers 22

Numbers 22 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson In Numbers 22, we experience a different perspective.  We “leave” the nation of Israel, Moses’ conversations, and the inner working of God’s people…

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Numbers 20

Numbers 20 by Pastor David Groendyk Previously in the book of Numbers, the entirety of the older generation had been condemned to not enter the Promised Land due to their…

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Numbers 19

Numbers 19 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence Bowlin There are two things in the Israelite camp that are continually at odds with the Lord’s dwelling in the mist of His people:…

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