Luke 22

Luke 22 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence At the close of his ministry here on earth Jesus shares with his disciples a number of minute details in advance of his suffering…

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Luke 21

Luke 21 by Pastor Mark Hudson Near the end of Jesus earthly life, as He came closer to Jerusalem, He was watched like a hawk by those who wanted to…

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Luke 19

Luke 19 by Pastor Mark Hudson At the end of the gospels, the tension between our Lord Jesus and religious leaders noticeably increases.  His teaching is directed to His disciples…

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Luke 18

Luke 18 by Pastor David Groendyk This is the final chapter of Luke before Jesus enters into Jerusalem for his fateful final week of life. There would be no more…

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Luke 17

Luke 17 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence Bowlin In his story of the unworthy servants in vv.7-10, Jesus directly addresses the growing pride amongst his disciples who are continually arguing about…

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Luke 16

Luke 16 by Pastor Mark Hudson In this devotional, we will cover 1-13 since it is a rather tricky parable to understand.   Without going into every option or trying to…

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Luke 14

Luke 14 by Pastor Mark Hudson We begin with Jesus calling out the hypocrites and their rules on the Sabbath. He was eating at the home of a ruler of…

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Luke 13

Luke 13 by Pastor David Groendyk In a variety of different interactions and teachings, Luke 13 teaches us about the kingdom of God. In verses 1–9, Jesus presses home the…

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Luke 12

Luke 12 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence At the beginning of this chapter in the midst of a great crowd of people, Jesus gives his disciples this warning as of first…

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Luke 11

Luke 11 by Pastor Mark Hudson We begin this chapter with the disciples asking Jesus a question, “Lord, teach us to preach.”  Or was it, “Lord, teach us to heal…

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