Proverbs 19
Proverbs 19 By Pastor David Groendyk One of the unifying themes found throughout this chapter is impartiality, fairness, and integrity. A foolish person who is not walking in the ways…
Proverbs 19 By Pastor David Groendyk One of the unifying themes found throughout this chapter is impartiality, fairness, and integrity. A foolish person who is not walking in the ways…
Proverbs 18 By Pastor David Groendyk One of the major themes of this chapter is speech. I count no fewer than 11 out of the 24 verses that relate to…
Proverbs 17 Devotional By Pastor Lawrence Not all transgressions are alike plain and evident unto men, but strife is a sin that is generally recognized by all of human society.…
Proverbs 16 by Mark Hudson Bruce Waltke organizes chapter 16 as follows: Collection IIb: The Lord and His King (15:30-22:22) Prologue: The Dance between humanity, the Lord, and His king…
Proverbs 15 Devotional By Pastor Lawrence Words matter so much more than we realize, especially when we consider the fact that they are spoken to immortal souls. Our tongues have…
Proverbs 14 by Pastor Mark Hudson Bruce Waltke labels Proverbs 10:1-22:16 as collection II. Collection IIa is 10:1-15:29 called Antithetical parallels of the righteous vs. the wicked. The main headings…
Proverbs 13 By Pastor David Groendyk Now that we’ve made it past the introductory plea to listen to wisdom in chapters 1–9 and have dived into the proverbs themselves beginning…
Proverbs 12 Devotional By Pastor Lawrence The wisdom of Proverbs is given to the people of God at the very pinnacle of Israel’s history as it is recorded in the…
Proverbs 11 by Pastor Mark Hudson One of the best commentaries on Proverbs is written by Bruce Waltke. He 10:1-22:16 as collection II. Collection IIa is 10:1-15:29 called Antithetical parallels…
Proverbs 9 by Pastor Mark Hudson Proverbs 9 is about two extremely different women who demand a choice or a decision. The first is Woman Wisdom (WW). WW goes to…