Judges 2

Judges 2 By Pastor David Groendyk The book of Judges begins with two crises in Israel, and it ends with two crises in Israel. There is a territorial crisis in…

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Judges 1

Judges 1 Devotional By Pastor Lawrence Following the death of Joshua, the faithful and courageous leader of Israel, the next generations of God’s people begin not only fail to uproot…

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Proverbs 31

Proverbs 31 by Pastor Mark Hudson Here are two ways to look at this passage starting at verse 10.  The first from a sermon by John McArthur.  He sees this…

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Proverbs 30

Proverbs 30 Devotional By Pastor Lawrence The author of these particular proverbs, named Agur, is not mentioned elsewhere in the Bible, nor is he identified by ancient scholars as one…

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Proverbs 29

Proverbs 29 by Pastor Mark Hudson One of the themes in the Bible is God’s care for the poor.  Verse 7 reminds us that, “A righteous man knows the rights…

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Proverbs 28

Proverbs 28 By Pastor David Groendyk It’s difficult to see at first, but verses 2–12 form one whole section that give a picture of a just society. The overwhelming message…

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Proverbs 27

Proverbs 27 Devotional By Pastor Lawrence “What a day!” is a rhetorical expression that most of us have used at some point to convey our understanding of a series of…

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Proverbs 26

Proverbs 26 by Pastor Mark Hudson From 25:28, Waltke sees this section as perverted types of humanity 25:28 26:1-12            the fool 26:13-16          the sluggard 26:17-28          Four kinds of troublemakers 26:17 …

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Proverbs 25

Proverbs 25 Devotional By Pastor Lawrence “Enough is enough!” we sometimes say to others when we want them to stop doing something that bothers us. But how much is “enough”?…

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2 Kings 6

2 Kings 6 Pastor Mark Hudson Elisha has a growing number of students around him. This prompts “the sons of the prophets” to ask to build a bigger place. They…

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