Joshua 21

Joshua 21 by Pastor David Groendyk This is the last chapter of divvying up and dishing out land for the Israelites, and it is the long-anticipated Levites who have been…

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Joshua 20

Joshua 20 Devotional By Pastor Lawrence After all the tribes had received their allotted inheritance, Joshua designated six cities at various locations throughout the Promised Land to serve as cities…

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Joshua 19

Joshua 19 Pastor Mark Hudson One of the ways to divide Joshua chapters 14-19 up is as follows: Caleb, 14:6-15                            Positive Joseph’s tribes 17:14-18             Negative Seven tribes, 18:1-10                 Negative Joshua,…

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Joshua 18

Joshua 18 Devotional By Pastor Lawrence Now that Israel has acquired most of the land after seven years of fighting, the tabernacle is moved from Gilgal, which was on the…

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Joshua 17

Joshua 17 Pastor Mark Hudson The conquest of the land of Canaan is not as simple as one might think.  Also, the people of Israel had various reactions to the…

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Joshua 16

Joshua 16 by Pastor David Groendyk What can we derive from 10 simple verses of land allotment for one tribe of Israel? Quite a bit actually! It’s hard to separate…

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Joshua 15

Joshua 15 Devotional By Pastor Lawrence This is the first of many chapters recounting how Joshua divided the land amongst the remaining tribes west of the Jordan River. Judah is…

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Joshua 14

Joshua 14 Pastor Mark Hudson You just have to love Caleb! We start this chapter with how and why the land was divided the way it was. Then in verse…

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Joshua 13

Joshua 13 Devotional By Pastor Lawrence Now that most of the regions of the Promised Land have been taken by the Israelites, God commands Joshua to divide the land into…

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Joshua 12

Joshua 12 Pastor Mark Hudson This chapter may seem a bit like reading a bookkeeping ledger.  Remember to keep in mind that conquering this land was no small thing for…

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