Revelation 21

Revelation 21 Devotional By Pastor Mark Hudson In this penultimate chapter of Revelation, we will take a slightly different approach.  Usually we explain the chapter and draw out main themes. …

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Revelation 20

Revelation 20 Devotional By Pastor Lawrence Bowlin Our chapter today has been the source of more disagreement concerning eschatology (the study of the end-times or last things) than any other,…

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Revelation 19

Revelation 19 By David Groendyk The previous two chapters have described for us the destruction of Babylon and the declaration from God himself that she will no longer vex the…

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Revelation 18

Revelation 18 Devotional by Pastor Mark Hudson Fallen is Babylon is the cry of Revelation 18.   So who or what is Babylon?  Here are a number of verses to examine:…

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Revelation 17

Revelation 17 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence This morning we are introduced to another symbolic figure, the great harlot of Babylon.  She stands in continual opposition to the chaste woman in…

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Revelation 16

Revelation 16 David Groendyk Another seven! This time it is seven bowls filled with God’s wrath that are poured out. As we’ve seen so far in Revelation, God’s Word goes…

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Revelation 14

Revelation 14 Devotional David Groendyk Much of this fourth section of Revelation has been a description of the enemies of God and God’s people—who they are, what they are like,…

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Revelation 12

Revelation 12 Devotional by Pastor Lawrence Chapter twelve begins the fourth in a series of seven visions.  It also serves as a key to understanding much of the rest of…

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Revelation 11

Revelation 11 Devotional by David Groendyk Our chapter today represents part of the bittersweet-ness of the scroll that John ate in our reading yesterday. Remember that the scroll is God’s…

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