Amos 5 Prayer Points:
Prayer of Adoration: O Lord, you made the Pleiades and Orion; you turn deep darkness into the morning and darken the day into night. You call for the waters of the sea and pour them out on the surface of the earth and you make destruction flash forth against the strong–the Lord is your name.
Prayer of Confession: Father, we have hated those who have reproved us over our sin and abhorred those who have spoken the truth to us in love. We are quick to sin and slow to repent. Lord, have mercy upon us. You alone know how many are our transgressions and how great are our sins, and you alone can save us. There is no offering that we can bring before you, and no sacrifice that you would accept save the gift of your son Jesus. Lord, we plead the name of Jesus and want to know him more.
Prayer for the Church: O Holy Spirit, do not forsake your feeble church. Do not despise our assemblies, and do not reject the noise of our songs. We know that we have not loved what is good and hated what is evil. That we have kept silent in times of evil when we should have spoken up, failing to warn others of the judgment to come and sharing with them the good news of the gospel. We have not been faithful in prayer watching and waiting with Christ. And we have not loved the gathering of the saints. O Lord, help us in our weakness, fill us with your power and grace and breathe into us new life that we might bear fresh fruit.