Amos 3 Prayer Points
Prayer of Adoration: Almighty God, maker of heaven and earth, does disaster come to a city, unless you, O Lord, have done it? You are the God who brought the great flood waters to cover the face of the earth and the one who destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah with fire and brimstone. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain. If the lion has roared from Zion, who will not fear? You O Lord are the great judge of all the earth and we praise your name.
Prayer of Thanksgiving: O Lord God, you do nothing without revealing your secret to your servants the prophets and we thank you for warning us of the judgment to come—that day when you will punish all sin and iniquity. And we thank you for sending forth the good shepherd of the sheep who rescues us from the mouth of the lion by laying down his own life for the sheep.
Prayer of Confession: Merciful Father, we still do not know how to do right. Our hearts still desire forbidden fruit and there are still strongholds of rebellion deep within. Forgive us Lord for our wavering, give us more weapons with divine power to destroy these strongholds and to prepare us for the day of Christ’s coming. Lord, tear down all our altars now. Strike the winter house along with the summer house now. Destroy our houses of ivory and our great houses of sin to straight paths for the Lord of glory.