Amos 2 Prayer Points:
Prayer of Adoration: Who is like you, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like you, majestic in holiness, awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders? You brought your people up out of the land of Egypt with signs and wonders and you led them for forty years in the wilderness providing water from the rock and manna from heaven. And you destroyed the Amorites before them that they might possess a land of their own. O Lord, in the same manner you have delivered us out of bondage, provided for us in a dry and weary land and have guaranteed to us our inheritance in Christ Jesus with his glorious triumph at the cross. O Lord, you are our strength and our song and have become our salvation.
Prayer of Confession: Father, you have called us out of Egypt to be like priests offering up daily sacrifice of praise, and you have called us to be like prophets speaking forth the Word of God, and you have called us to be like Nazarites living our whole lives in dedication to your serveic and glory. And yet we have been so weak in prayer, so unknowledgeable in your Holy Scriptures, and so worldly in our daily walk. Merciful Father, forgive us for our unholiness and our many defilements we pray. Cleanse us of our sin, and remove from us everything that weakens our ability to serve you with gladness.
Prayer for the Persecuted: Lord of hosts, vengeance is yours, for you will repay the wicked for all their lies and all their evil deeds. You will bring judgment upon all those who sell the righteous for silver and the needy for a pair of sandals, who trample the head of the poor in the dust of the earth, raping young women and killing young children. O Lord, rise up and defend your people called by your name. They are weak and weary, but you are strong and mighty. Let not the strong boast in their strength but let the godly boasts in the name of our God.