Amos 1 Prayer Points
Prayer of Adoration: O God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, you are the God who sees. For you have witnessed the misery of your people. And you have taken note of the mischief and the schemes of the wicked who daily seek to put the righteous to death. And like a lion, your voice roars from Mt. Zion, and your wrath burns hot against all those who seek to thresh or harm your people in any way. Lord, we praise you for your righteous indignation, for your just words, and your blameless judgments. You alone are our refuge and we find our security under the shadow of your wings.
Prayer of Confession: Holy Lord, as we read passages like this one, we are reminded that you do indeed count the transgressions of sinners and that you weigh every evil thought, word, and deed in the balance. Father, even if we tried to count up our own sins against your holy law, we would be unable. For we have had so little regard for your covenant that on many occasions we didn’t even recognize our own behavior as sin. And on other occasions we have knowingly sinned but then quickly suppressed the guilt of our consciences. O Lord, if you should mark all our iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? Please forgive us this day for our impure thoughts, our evil affections, and our rebellious will. And count not our sin against us since you have already counted it against your holy son Jesus, our Savior.
Prayer of Supplication: Almighty God, we pray for your kingdom to come and your will be to be done on earth as it is in heaven. So, we pray that you would destroy the wicked, that you would send a fire to consume all their works and to devour all their strongholds on earth. We pray that you would rip the scepter out of the hands of the evil rulers on earth who have afflicted the innocent, harassed the helpless and persecuted the children of God. Seeking to enlarge their power and their borders, they have cast off all pity for their fellow man. Oh Lord, have no pity upon them; spare them not in your anger. Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long before you will judge and avenge the blood of the saints on earth?” Come quickly, Lord Jesus.