Our Father, we come before you this morning to present ourselves before our Maker and our King, to bow our heads in reverence and to worship you in spirit and truth. O Lord God, you are merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but who will by no means clear the guilty. O God our Redeemer, please pardon our iniquity and our sin for the sake of your son Jesus and take us once again as your inheritance that we might serve you and proclaim the name of our Lord Jesus living for your praise. O Lord, your Word is flawless and good, and your steadfast love is better than life. Please help us to obey your word and to keep covenant with you this day. Empower us to tear down every idol in our lives and to worship you with undivided hearts, for you are a holy and jealous God—your very name, O Lord, is Jealous. Preserve our faith, O God, that we might not forsake you or lead astray our children and our children’s children to forsake your holy covenant, wandering in the trackless waste of this world, and whoring after other gods. Gracious God, all our children are yours, please redeem them as you have redeemed us, and reveal to them the awesome works of the Lord. Sanctify them, Lord, and soften their hearts that they might not come before you reluctantly or empty-handed but with the best of their Firstfruits. O Lord, transform our hearts by your sweet fellowship and the great power of your Word that our children and all your people might see the splendor of your glory in our faces, in our words, and in our actions, we pray, in Jesus’ name.