1 Timothy 5 Prayer Points:
Prayers for the family of God: Father, we pray that the older men in our congregation would be encouraged in the Lord, sober-minded and sound in the faith and that the older women would be reverent and able to teach what is good. Likewise we pray that the younger men and women in our church would be self-controlled, respectable and full of zeal for the Lord. Father, help us to treat our fathers and mothers with respect and our brothers and sisters with all purity.
Prayers for Widows: Lord, we pray for the widows and widowers in our church that their children would remember them showing godliness to their own households and making some return to their parents for all the years of their upbringing. Father, we pray for them and for those who are truly widows, who are left all alone in the world without any family members to help them that they would set their hope on God and continue in supplications and prayers night and day waiting upon the Lord and serving the Lord with gladness rather than sitting in idleness, wallowing in self-indulgence and spreading gossip.
Lord, we give thanks particularly for those widows in our church who have a reputation for their good works, for showing hospitality, for washing the feet of the saints and caring for the afflicted. May all those who have lost their earthly husbands and spouses find in Christ a greater love, comfort and joy through the Spirit.
Prayer for elders: Lord, we give thanks also for the elders in our church who have ruled well and those who labor particularly in preaching and teaching and ask that you would sustain them in their ministries, protect them from the evil one and encourage to carry out the work that you’ve commanded. Father, may our church not be hasty in the laying on of hands, electing elders who are not qualified to serve in your holy church and who are full of sin. And if any have sinned persistently, may we not be afraid to rebuke them publicly that the whole church might fear your holy name.
Lord, we know that some sins are easily seen and can be rebuked openly, but some sins remain hidden. Father, reveal to us our sins this day that none of us may be unprepared for the Day of Judgment. Likewise, we pray that you would give us both the desire and the ability to do good works whether they are seen or unseen, for even those that are not seen by the eyes of man cannot remain hidden for long.