Matthew 11
Pastor Lawrence
Prayers for lost friends and family members: that the spiritually blind might see, the spiritually lame might walk, that spiritual lepers might be cleansed, the spiritually deaf might hear, the spiritual dead would be raised to life, and the spiritually poor would receive the good news of the gospel…that they would not be offended by Christ but take the kingdom of heaven by force (with zeal and enthusiasm moved by the Holy Spirit)
Prayers for our own witness: send us out as messengers of the gospel to prepare the way for Christ’s return. In the midst of our culture where unbelievers are like little children seeking merely to be entertained by our strange ways who then accuse us of sin and even Jesus himself of evil, may the wisdom of heaven be justified by our holy works and deeds performed among unbelievers leading many of them to repentance.
Prayers of devotion/submission: that we who are weak and weary would find our rest in the Lord Jesus, that we would come to him willingly and eagerly calling him our Lord taking his yoke upon us knowing that He is gentle and lowly, loving and comforting, to all who seek respite in his arms.