2 Peter 1 Prayer Points
O Lord God, you are all glorious and excellent, full of grace and mercy, majestic in power and love. We give you thanks that you have saved us from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire and have called us to share in your glory and excellence through the knowledge of Christ our Savior, that you have caused us to stand in righteousness by faith in his finished work, and have granted us power to live godly lives by filling us with His Spirit.
Father, help us to supplement our faith in Christ today with his virtues, his qualities and love that we would not be ineffective and unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. May we never forget the former sins from which you saved us, nor the promise of the eternal kingdom to which you called us, but cling to Christ here and now confirming our calling and election in his name. Lord, confirm the promises of your word to us this day; may they shine brightly in the midst of our darkness that the hope of Christ would rise within our hearts and the love of Christ would fill our souls with his divine nature.