Jeremiah 50 Prayer Points
O Lord God of hosts, you are the hope of our fathers and the habitation of righteousness. You are our shepherd and our strong redeemer. Deliver us, O Lord, from our captivity to Babylon. Free us from her lies and oppression. May the harlot of Babylon be shamed and disgraced. May she be plundered and destroyed. Hear your people’s cry and bring your mighty wrath against her, for she has deceived and seduced us. Shoot at her and spare no arrows, surround her and tear down her walls. Take vengeance on her and do to her as she has done to us. For she has proudly defied the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, and she has led us astray into iniquity. Gracious Father, forgive us of our sins and pardon our transgressions. Restore us to your loving fellowship, and give us rest in your son Jesus, for we are weary from our sin. Bring forth your holy day of judgment against the harlot of Babylon and remove her wickedness from our midst. For who is like you, O Lord, and who can stand against you? May your day of judgment come, and may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.