1 Timothy 3 Prayer Points
Prayer of Adoration: Gracious God, we praise you for the glorious truth revealed in the gospel that Jesus was manifested in the flesh, vindicated by the Spirit, seen by angels, proclaimed among the nations, believed on in the world, and taken up in glory. We have set our hope fully on him who is the savior of all people, resting in his finished work, and boasting in his victory over death. Lord, be glorified this day through the gospel of your son as we believe it and as we share it with others.
Prayer for the Church:
O Christ, we give you thanks that you have called us by your name as your people and have gathered us together into your holy house, the church of the living God, a pillar and buttress of the truth. And we pray that you would continue to sanctify us in your truth, teaching us how to conduct ourselves in the household of God with faith, love and holiness.
Lord, we pray particularly for the elders of our church today that they would be above reproach in their character and conduct, that they would be faithful to their wives, sober-minded, self-controlled and respectable in every way. Lord, help them to manage their families with all dignity keeping their children submissive. And let them not fall into the sins of drunkenness, violence or greed that they might not fall into disgrace and the snare of the devil.
Lord, we pray also for our deacons that they would be faithful to their wives and manage their households well, growing in dignity, showing faithfulness in speech, sobriety in drink, and good stewardship with money. Let them hold the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience proving themselves to be blameless in your sight and gaining a good standing for themselves in your coming kingdom having great confidence in Christ Jesus.
Likewise, we pray for the wives of our leaders that they too would be dignified, sober-minded, gracious and faithful in all things that they might complement the ministry of their husbands and help to edify the saints. And we pray for their children that they would fear the name of the Lord and walk in the light of your commands.